I didnt know I had it in me, Im always the peace maker and the - TopicsExpress


I didnt know I had it in me, Im always the peace maker and the lover...Love is the Answer...!!!! Fearlessly and knowingly I stirred the pot of contrast that was around me this week it had nothing to do with me really and , knowing the momentum and incredibly beautiful better versions for all concerned would be put in motion to manifest quikly... Normaly I would fear to lose my center, my Joy, those around me I adore because I know Im going to lower vibrational places and they can be sticky to get out of... And have to work my vibration back up this time I just dove in with them and took the ride and stepped out... This time I just know this created massive better vortex versions and as I feel love and ease joy the switch/reality is flipped. Maybe theres value when shit starts bugging everyone to just blow it up get it over with and move into luv...then they may look at you like your strange and out of line for a minute while they look at each other with compassion, understanding and value and love and unite in ways even better than before and realize how silly they were being. While you feel love and know all is well and you will know it as you see it. IS THIS THE SKILL IT TAKES FOR A MASTER TO REMAIN A MASTER IN THIS TIME SPACE REALITY AND BE A TEACHER AT THE SAME TIME??? I IMAGINE IT MAY BE AND I IMAGINE I WILL NEVER LOOK AT THOSE AROUND ME THAT I DONT UNDERSTAND OR IRRITATE ME WITH OUT SEEING THE VALUE IT BORNS WITHIN ME I GUESS GOD REALLY DOES KNOW WHAT HES DOING IMAGINE THAT AND THE WORLD REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE PLACE AS IT IS...AND HAS ITS SCHOOL YARD PLACE...HMMM.....AND CANT HELP BUT GET EVEN BETTER AND WE ARE ALL A PART OF IT LIKE IT OR NOT YOU ADD VALUE AND BEAUTY TO THIS PLACE AND ALWAYS WILL REGARDLESS OF WHAT SIDE YOU PICK. AND WITH EVERY BLOW UP, BLAME, CHANGE AND ATTENTION TO WHAT IS A MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT FROM THAT THE WORLD GETS MORE AND MORE BEAUTIFUL AND SO DO THE PEOPLE IN IT.... SO DONT WORRY BE HAPPY THE UNIVERSE KNOWS WHATS ITS DOING NO MATTER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY THE RIDE AND CREATE WHAT YOU LIKE CAUSE YOU CANT STOP CREATING BEAUTIFUL THINGS EVEN IF YOU WANTED TO ...
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:40:03 +0000

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