I didnt post about a very appointment Eric was to have today - TopicsExpress


I didnt post about a very appointment Eric was to have today because I just didnt feel right about it for some reason. Anyways, here it goes... Eric saw his ENT Dr Smith today for a follow up scope of his sinuses. This is the Dr and the procedure that discovered the tumor/cancer. We were so anxious waiting for this. We are so happy and thankful to report there is NO CANCER!!! The scope showed normal and healing tissue throughout his sinus, etc. There are no words to describe the relief, joy and thankfulness we have right now! Thank you Jesus for answering prayers for Eric far and wide! He heard every one and is so faithful. I will be on my knees praying and thanking God as soon as we get home. I cried happy tears this time. We left high on happiness this time! He still has 2 chemo treatments and will be done in December. His ENT is very hopeful his PET scan will show his body is free from this awful disease and that he will remain cancer free indefinitely. He will still have follow up scopes and scans for a few years but no more treatment! How amazing is our God?! He always provides and answers our prayers, even if its not the answer we want he has a purpose for everything. We are thankful for this experience as it has changed us for the better and brought us closer to The Lord. We cant thank you all enough for the prayers, thoughts and support! Please keep praying. Pray his PET scan is completely clear and remains that way.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:24:34 +0000

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