I do not deny the fact that the oceans are obviously warming, AND - TopicsExpress


I do not deny the fact that the oceans are obviously warming, AND It seems obvious that greenhouse gases contribute to that. What I point out is that the increased storms from the oceans are mostly effecting the other countries of the world and not the United States. Granted, New Orleans was wiped out, but that city sucked anyway. They have rebuilt it and promise that nothing like that will ever happen again. I received Bobby Jindals personal assurance that THAT was true. What, me worry? Naaah! The tremendous melt off of the Glaciers are effecting other countries and not the United States. Parts of Peru and Chili will not have drinking water if the glaciers continue to melt as fast as they are. Our only inconvenience in the United States is the fact that the Glaciers in Glacier National Park are almost all gone. Just little traces of what was once a majestic view of Glaciers everywhere you looked. So we will just have to rename the park to something like Majestic Mountain Valley Park. The tremendous species die offs in the ocean are of little importance to Americans as it does not really impact our food chain. Most Americans who shop at Super Markets like our farm raised fish and we will be able to continue doing that for centuries. The ocean was getting too crowded, so all of those Dead Starfish and sea urchins and thousands of other sea mollusks had to go. Besides, they were not considered to be good food. In some other countries the people actually ate those disgusting slimy things, but not us. The slight rise in ocean levels will take the Florida Everglades away from the United States and half of Miami Dade County, but hell, I would never go there because the entire place was full of mosquitos. A few American Cities will have to build dikes, but that is no Big Deal. La Jolla will be gone, but most of those houses along the beach were falling apart anyway. So, for the United States, Global Warming is not a problem. In fact it is a blessing because it will make most of Alaskan Tundra into good farmland. We have room to expand our ever increasing population, and so will Russia. We will become the two dominant countries of the world with all that farmland and the means to provide food to the starving world if they pay our prices. THAT, unless China grabs the land from us; and, they might, to feed their billion and a half peasants who are always hungry and make up most of their unemployed or underemployed. What about the rest of the world? Well, hell , they are getting royally screwed. Millions of people in South America will be without melted Glacier water to drink and they will either die or they will have to find another source of drinking water on the desert west coast of that continent. Ditto many parts of Asia, like Northern India. Ninety percent of Bengla Desh is going to wash away in the Rising Ocean. Man, that is really going to suck for them. They are Islamic, so they can blame it on Allah and accept their plight after lots of prayer. They will probably sacrifice any Christian Missionaries or stray Hindus in the country, but heck that has been going on for centuries and is quite normal for them. They wont even be able to build boats and live on the ocean because those damn hurricanes will keep on blowing in with stronger and stronger winds. Yep, it really is going to suck if you are a Bengla Deshite. SO IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, GLOBAL WARMING IS ONLY A MINOR ANNOYANCE TO THE UNITED STATES, AND WE DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT AGAINST IT. IT IS BETTER TO JUST IGNORE IT AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS LIKE MOST AMERICANS ARE DOING. Some smart ones are investing in land in Alaska. Hey, farms will be the Big Thing up there in about 20 years, because the frozen methane is all melting in Siberia. Have you see the photos of the holes in the formerly frozen Siberian Tundra? That is happening in Canada and Alaska now, too. No problemo. That methane would have made it hard to farm anyway, so it is better to get it into the atmosphere. England and Holland are going to be royally screwed. But,that is their problem. Right? The Dutch can always immigrate to the United States and Canada. (Note: Sarcasm is fully intended.)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:56:47 +0000

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