I do not make resolutions. Each year, I instead vow to be the best - TopicsExpress


I do not make resolutions. Each year, I instead vow to be the best Jodi that I can be. I do however like to make goals for my year; ways to enhance my life. For 2015, most of my goals involve surrounding myself and reconnecting with people I love. And a lot of food, strangely enough (so at least my goal for 2013 is still working.) Not only will I have goals for the year, but for the month as well. I plan on posting them so that my friends can help keep me accountable. ;) Goals for 2015 (in no particular order): *Family dinner once a month. The last year has proven to me again and again how important my friends and family are to me. But due to busy schedules and just general life, it seems that we only get a chance to get together on special occasions, which is not conducive to catching up or quality time. *Try a new restaurant once a month. I feel as if I have been in a bit of a rut, and need to explore new places. *Finish removing the wall paper/painting the house. Its time to make this house a more attractive home. *Do something that scares the shit out of me. *Go out of town (preferably somewhere I have never been) for at least a weekend no less than 2 times. Adventure calls, I want to answer. *Lunch/dinner/drinks with an old friend no less than once a month. Because its always good to catch up with someone you havent seen in ages. *Finish one book, and work towards the completion of my fairy tale masterpiece. If I want to call myself a writer, I need to start writing again. *Declutter the house, including studio and garage. Again, it is time to make this house a more attractive, liveable home. *Learn three new recipes. *Alone time with my husband every month. We are so surrounded by people that it is rare we get one on one time. So we need to make time for each other be it date nights, stay-cations or otherwise. *Continue raising a smart, talented and well rounded daughter and try not to yell at her even though teenagers are frustrating as hell. *Try not to hate the body that I see in the mirror. Easier said than done for all of us, but self shaming does no one any good. *Get Box Magazine up and running. Weve been paying for the site, might as well use it. *Take better care of myself. Physically and mentally. *Tell someone every day that I love them and why. January goals: 1. Clean out my dressers (including junk drawer) and clean off the top 2. Finish taking down the wallpaper in the living room. 3. At least 10,000 words towards the subjects of my choosing. 4. Make sure my daughter has an incredible 14th birthday. 5. Go through and organize wedding photos. Finally send out thank you cards. It is going to be a great year guys! Lets enjoy it to the fullest!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:27:52 +0000

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