I dont air my dirty laundry on social media, but Im really - TopicsExpress


I dont air my dirty laundry on social media, but Im really conflicted now and need some help/advice/counsel. Especially from my brothers and sisters who have worn, or are wearing, the uniform. Two and a half years ago I found out that Im suffering from Progressive Keratoconus and that Im pretty far along. In fact, the eye doctor has my confidence shaken about operating a vehicle so I rarely drive anymore. As of right now, I cant get eyeglasses that will correct my vision so were trying gas permeable contact lenses (the ridiculously expensive ones). Long story short is that if things dont get better in a hurry, I may need a corneal transplant in both eyes before too long. Im slowly going blind. Ive accepted this. Now are you ready for the conflict? Ive filed for increased disability from the VA for 11 service related injuries that have made the last three years of my life a complete and utter hell. Ive ransacked my Army medical records for evidence (more than 90 pages to support my claims) and I come across a very interesting document from when I was at the Philadelphia MEPS processing station. While I was there, I had to see an eye specialist because I had astigmatisms. What the record shows is that I was diagnosed with Keratoconus by the military before swearing my oath of allegiance but the doctor crossed it out and put something else. Keratoconus disqualifies you from entering military service. To meet the quota, my diagnosis was changed. I loved every second of every day of my Army time. My heart hurts at the idea that the military sacrificed my eyesight to meet a quota...especially since I could have fixed this progressive issue 17 years ago. I feel some kind of way and the only word that comes to mind is betrayed. What are my options? Can the government be held accountable for negligence?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:04:14 +0000

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