I dont believe in putting your personal business on facebook, - TopicsExpress


I dont believe in putting your personal business on facebook, especially on my business page. However, I stand up for all of the strong single mothers out there. There is nothing worse than a deadbeat parent, so let me set the record strait. Tj CityBoy beat me like a dog my whole pregnancy, drug me up and down the stairs, pulled my hair out, pushed me in a closet and kicked me, threw me into the toilet, slammed my face in the sink and then had the nerve to tell me that I need to go get tested because he had a STD and didnt know how long he had it for (thank god I didnt have it and I was pregnant). He used to scream through the phone so loud, that once someone said I should have him He said he hates me because I was pretty and I am used to having the world handed to me and he would break me down and make me how he wanted me. He would constantly ask me more money and I wouldnt give him any, he would threaten to bust my windows out and he hit my brand new car with a pole. I have had to call the police and threaten to get a restraining order. He was right there when our daughter was born and did everything for her until I told him I wanted to be with someone else. He has 3 kids, and one his momma has custody of and he doesnt even speak to the little boy, my daughter and then his son. I didnt know about either one of them and when I asked him after hearing rumors he denied that he had any kids. So let me set the record strait, if you want that piece of trash, it is all yours. Says a lot about you as a woman if you are with a man who doesnt even take care of his kids. Keep handing him your checks and buying him weed and sneakers. There is nothing in this world that will ever stop me from loving my child, so excuses I want to hear none. I thank God everyday that I have a great man in my life that not only is an amazing dad to our older daughter but to my daughter that isnt his. I am only saying this because I am tired of the questions and the back and forth with this bum ass dude. So I salute all the women who walked away from an abusive relationship and never looked back. I salute all the single mothers out there who bust their behinds everyday to hold it down for theirs. Lastly, I salute all the strong women who wont settle for any kind of man and has standards.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 16:59:55 +0000

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