I dont get it. Yall get on here and talk about how you ask God for - TopicsExpress


I dont get it. Yall get on here and talk about how you ask God for guidance then, when you have the right guide you try to put out scripture to make it seem like you know more than he or she that showed you something you have not seen before. Now a couple of you will listen but there are so many more that will not listen, continue posting up photos of the white Jesus or should I say Ceasar Borgea. If you all did research, you would know this but you just go along with this keep your Holy Bible closed then only read the things off of other peoples pictures then get mad at me when I show you the Truth out of the Holy Bible. How can you get on here claiming to Love Jesus Christ but wont listen to Him when He described Himself to you all? Why is it that the only way people will read something is when there is a picture of nice scenery after the paragraph or sentence? Yes this is to all my family and to all my friends or so-called friends that wont listen to me when I post up scripture. This is very serious! This is about your souls but you wont listen and instead think Im crazy, make jokes, then yall got the nerve to post that the doors of Heaven are narrow and the gate to the pit is wide!!! If you all knew that why in the world would you still want the wide!? Yall continue to go to Sunday Church knowing Jesus died on a Friday evening to Saturday evening where starting Sunday He rose again. He showed you the Sabbath Day even in His death because another word for dead is rest. Sunday He rose starting up His work again. So what are you all doing!?!? Women still wearing pants not knowing or wanting to hear that in Deuteronomy 22:5 God clearly tells us that a woman shall not wear that which pertain unto a man. Like wise a man shall not wear that which pertain to a woman, for he that do this thing is an abomination to God. Women wore dresses and now they just gotta show off their figure right? Wrong! that figure only the man your with is suppose to notice. Not al other guys on the street!!!! women showing off their breast too also wrong that is whore status. For who shall see thy nakedness other than your own husband? Women didnt start wearing pants till 1969 after the womens feminists movement anyway. Trying to folow after the white woman because you blacks and hispanics not knowing your really the Israelites out this Holy Bible wanted to be just like that of your slave master. And this aint no hatred towards whites, Just understand that if you dont like my post then ok dont read it. Too easy right? You so-called blacks and so-called hispanics better wake up!! Your putting yourselves in that pit and dont even realize it talking bout how you go to church every Sunday and your pastor wont tell you the truth He lives off of you and has no problem telling you that Sunday is the right day for you lying right in your face and he dont care bou you he just wants that bentley. Or that new rolex watch. Friday Evening to Saturday evening has always been the 7th day, It is written that times and days will change so your hours arent even the same anymore now your day ends at 12 midnight. Your days arent the same no more because you all want that Sunday church or should I say the Sun worship day Lets be real here that is the real name of that day. You people would rather worship Ra or someone else like Cesar Borgea (the white Jesus) than to look in your Holy Bible and serve the True God of the Holy Bible and the Real Jesus Christ as He clearly describes Himself in Revelation 1:14. Anyone can easily go to Genesis 1 and read how a day starts and ends Yall want to be lost and led by a man who will get on stage with no Holy Bible open and just talking from his own heart huh? Jeremias 23:16 says, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: Hearken not to the words of the prophets that prophesy to you, and deceive you: They speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord !7: They say to them that blaspheme me: The Lord hath said: You shall have peace:and to every one that walketh in the perverseness of his own heart, they have said: No evil shall come upon you.Wonder if this sounds familiar to anyone while sitting in the Churches on Sunday. The churches here were set up to deceive you and the more you go to these men giving them you money the poorer you will get while they dont help the poor out there as well and the quicker you are into the pit because you didnt want the knowledge when it was presented to you all. Your call. Your soul. Right? Anyways, no Head covering on women either but I know that in Corinthians It tells us that a woman with her head uncovered disgraces her own head. and a man that wears head covering disgraces his head as well. So wearing du rags and hats and such is out for us men. Women cutting their head cuts off all their glory. You all are setting yourselves up to be deceived because thats what you want and you cant say you never heard any of this either. Because I know that I have been warning a lot of you for some time now but if there is no change in anyone then yes I must do as the Holy Bible says and get rid of you. Im trying to help because you may not be reading so Im trying to get you into the scripture you really need to see as well. Like for example. the 1-4 Book of Machabees and the other passages that you all have in the Holy Bible today that you absolutely refuse to read and study on. But again that will be on you to decide if you want that or not.I got the Book of Machabees in my Holy Bible and want to share but you all just want me gone huh? while you talk about how Holy you are right? You want people to see your picture of the false Jesus or some nice scenery and go Hey this man is or woman is Holy. OOOOOOOOO AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Hey someone give this person a graham cracker. Well I wont post pictures I will tell you the truth and the truth is this. Psalms 119:142 -Thy Justice is Justice for ever: and thy Law is the Truth. Want more? Matthew 5:17-18 Do not think that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 - For amen I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the Law, till all be fulfilled.So that was The Real Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible speaking there. Ima ask you people what are you all doing!?Heaven and Earth are still in existence everything in the Old Testament has Not been fulfilled just yet why do you say the entire Law is gone? I gave you all the laces to read from so look you go through it and read for yourselves. Maybe you wont believe me but when you read yourself all those places I gave you then understanding will come to you. I proved that a pastor wont change his wicked doing just about every 4 days of a week. My wife will tell you. but they may just be the ones saying to Jesus Christ when He returns. Have I not cast out demons in your name and He will say Depart from me for I never knew you. I am trying to warn you all. but nobody is listening. You got all these strange things going on and people act like oh well itll pass. Its still happening today. You all just love the color of the blind fold before you put it on over your eyes and now you got the blind leading the blind straight into the pit. you people must want the 2/3 slot huh? Im going for the 1/3 slot. Dont tell me I should be so gentle with you people because Jesus told it like it is. I dont do b-days no more or all those pagan made day either the pagans can have them I want to walk like Jesus did He kept the Passover so you all say you walk like Jesus Christ but dont keep the Passover or the other Holy days then you may want to now and give up those pagan days all of them are demonic. YES even christmas!!! ZThat aint Jesus Christs b-day for those refusing to do research out there. So well, you can continue your mess if yall want but as for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:27:40 +0000

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