I dont go by the arse-crawling guilt theory many people use to - TopicsExpress


I dont go by the arse-crawling guilt theory many people use to silence or oppress people. ALL voices are valuable, as are all of the experiences, journeys and struggles which precede them. Some people are less confident in speaking out or believing that they, themselves are leaders than others, such people need support and encouragement to assume the lead roles they rightfully should have. I personally am extremely phobic of public speaking, speaking to someone face to face, fine, but public speaking has always been something Ive loathed and feared. So it was a HUGE step for me, personally to take, in getting up on the stage to speak at the MANA AGM. I felt both foolish and proud simultaneously. Dont try to make ME feel guilty for being white, pakeha, for my birthplace, culture or journey, nor dictate to me when I have, or dont have, a place or right to speak. That form of censorship doesnt wash with me or bode well. I am fully capable of learning about the journeys of others from their perspective, provided those stories are recounted to me from THEM, not from third parties. I am humane, I feel empathy for others, I feel angered by Imperialism, colonisation, Capitalism and, what some people define as being Corporatism. I feel enraged by injustice and oppression, just as you do. I bleed the same colour blood as those who lie slaughtered in the streets. But their stories are THEIR stories to tell which, and, respectfully, should be told by them, whether they be Maori, Palestinian, Irish, English, Asian... etc. I respect their stories, I respect and encourage their right to tell them free of fear, intimidation and oppression. But they are THEIR stories to tell, not yours And not mine. My own personal journey and struggles are as valid as anyone elses, as are the journeys and struggles of a billion others, of all ethnicities. At the AGM you kissed and hugged me, treated me as a friend and as someone you respected, and now you pull THIS bullshit out of the bag on Facebook? Sorry, but I feel betrayed. Dont respect Maori by disrespecting another ethnicity, irrespective of which ethnicity that is. All that serves to achieve is to divide people, and the REAL enemies, the ruling class, thrive on that. I am not anyones oppressor, the ruling class is So why are YOU oppressing me? Olive McRae UPDATE: Olives original post has been heavily edited to portray me as being overreactionary and hysterical, LOL. Seriously, those who read the original post know how accusatory and offensive to many Pakeha it was. But I dont hold grudges, I respect Olive greatly for all of the hard Mahi she does for the MANA Movement, I think however, that she needs to have more faith in the Pakeha members of MANA, because our intentions for MANA, are equally as honorable as her own, as are the intentions and voices of our Pacific people, and every other ethnicity supportive of MANA. END.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 21:36:21 +0000

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