I dont normally like to shove veganism down peoples throats, its - TopicsExpress


I dont normally like to shove veganism down peoples throats, its not really my place to make your decisions for you. Im only sharing this because a lot of people arent really aware of the process involved in obtaining milk (or the facts about milk itself!). Youd actually be surprised at the amount of people that dont know the cow has to have had a calf in order to produce milk! Or that dairy farms usually impregnate the cows over and over again in order to keep the milk production going, using the born the female calves for future dairy cows and sending the male calves to slaughter for veal... Not to mention that milk isnt really very good for you (or as good for you as youve been told)... Its full of all sorts of puss and hormones and, whilst we all grow up being told its a rich source of calcium thats good for your bones, its actually the opposite - it depletes the calcium from your bones! A lot of you are naturally going to dismiss this as the conspiracy theory ravings of another bloody vegan - and thats fine, there was a time when I wouldve done the same - but I hope this encourages at least a couple of you to be more aware, look into it for yourself or even question the milk is good for your bones myth :)
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 15:44:05 +0000

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