I dont understand this country anymore, todays generation, their - TopicsExpress


I dont understand this country anymore, todays generation, their entitlement mindset or the media. To add to that, this whole Michael Brown incident. We have a 64 300 lbs 18 year old male who just robbed a store on video. Grabs the store owner by the neck and threw him against the wall and strong arms him. Gets stopped for jaywalking and blocking traffic. Then as supported by forensic evidence, assaults an officer who has a weapon on his side and in order to protect lethal damage done with the officers own weapon he is met with deadly force. This is threat perception. The credibility of eye witness testimonies are shot down and were full of holes. They swore up and down but we find out they didnt actually see it.This is what this country reacts to? This is what people support nowadays? Media calling a gentle giant before facts are out? Are our soldiers over seas killing and getting killed who are the same age referred to as children by the media when they are sent out by our country? Thugs destroying their own city, looting stores, burning cop cars?? Hating people who serve and are out protecting us the same one the store owner called to help him after getting pushed around? Policitians going to his funeral? How many of them showed up to military funerals or medal of honor ceremonies? How many protested in outrage this year as welfare handouts reached 1 trillion and child homelessness reached an all time high of 2.2 million how does that work? 2.2 million american kids out in streets with no where to go where is the outrage? ?. This is what we fight for? media race baiting?? Imagine the phrase its not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country being used today. It would would be scoffed at and used as a joke by people with outreached palms. Im losing faith in my own country and todays generation. Things are just not the same.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:50:20 +0000

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