I don’t know if I’m doing the good thing for my country. I - TopicsExpress


I don’t know if I’m doing the good thing for my country. I believe our descendants would evaluate me accordingly. It’s not my job anyway. The harder you push, the harder you are pushed. Criticisms and attacks never stop. However I know it’s not them to make me give up. It would be my own sense of helplessness. I can’t stop moving on so I’m warm all the time. Water leakage, groundwater contamination, mysterious substance found in Naraha-machi. These are the hottest topics about Fukushima accident. However, most important facts are concealed. Tepco conceals, and the media don’t tell Tepco is concealing something we should know. Here I’d like to show you what is covered up. 1.Plutonium density in leaking water from reservoirs. Retained contaminated water increase by 400 tones everyday. Tepco is having the serious shortage of the storage. They made 7 “holes” on the ground and called them “reservoirs”. Sure they leaked this April and Tepco ended up transferring it to spare tanks. Even now, radiation is detected from around the reservoirs everyday. However, Tepco hasn’t announced the α nuclides density of the leaking water. α nuclides include Plutonium, Uranium, Americium etc.. They didn’t even publish when to announce the density. None of the newspaper or TV report “α nuclides density is not published by Tepco yet.”. 2. The fact that Tepco doesn’t analyze Strontium-90. Recently Tepco found the groundwater and seawater are severely contaminated. However, they only report the density of radioactive water Tritium. The density of Strontium-90, which causes leukemia has not been reported since the second report. It’s not only they don’t report it, but they don’t analyze. Therefore no matter how long we wait, we will never know Strontium-90 density in groundwater and seawater. As long as Fukushima Diary knows, none of TV or newspaper report that Tepco doesn’t analyze the samples for Strontium-90. 3. α dose of the highly radioactive substance found in Naraha-machi. So far, 4 pieces of highly radioactive substances were found in Naraha-machi and all of them were immediately sent to Fukushima nuclear plant. Japanese government assumes they are related to the explosions. They reported γ and βdose on the surface but never report α dose. If they measure α dose on the surface, it suggests the possible presence of Plutonium, Uranium, Americium etc like the unreported fact 1 above. Again, none of TV or newspaper report Tepco doesn’t report α dose on the surface. Looking as if they were telling everything, they hide the most important facts. Ordinary audience don’t even know what they don’t know. This is a sophisticated way of media blackout.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 07:15:46 +0000

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