I don’t normally post stuff pertaining directly to my personal - TopicsExpress


I don’t normally post stuff pertaining directly to my personal life, or the choices I make. However, today I am. It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I am taking an indefinite hiatus from playing music publicly. I am doing this because I have made the decision to go active duty in the army. This is not to say that I will stop playing music altogether. On the contrary, what lies ahead of me will serve as fodder for more material. I will play all of the shows I have already scheduled, to include my tour in March, but will not schedule any further shows for a long time. I am looking at hopefully leaving by August. As, I am the first to admit; I am currently out of shape. I am, instead, going to dedicate this time in between to prepare my body (and mind) for the path ahead. It is not a disinterest or falling out that has led me to this decision. I have been debating this with myself for the better part of the last eight months. I do this because I do not feel right sitting stateside while the rest of our brave men and women wage war on an unrelenting enemy. There is but a finite amount of time that I can be of genuine service to my country and its citizens. I intend to make the most of this time, and give all I can, while I can. If this “talent” of sorts I’ve worked for is here now, it will be here again, and for a long time. I will still write and record, maybe even releasing an album or two here and there. It is just the public shows that will cease for now. Whether it is three years, five, years, or twenty years from now, I do plan to start again. Making it in the music industry is still a very big goal of mine, and I will never give it up. But I feel there are more important things for me to do than just to attain personal success. If you would like to know all of my reasons, I’d be more than happy to divulge them in private. For now, I want to thank everyone who has supported me thus far; whether it was buying a CD, coming to a show, or just liking a post. You all have done more for me than I could ever ask. I appreciate all of the support more than I can ever put into words. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:13:23 +0000

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