I feel as though every piece of advice I give comes from myself, - TopicsExpress


I feel as though every piece of advice I give comes from myself, almost even selfishly. I cant help but think of it this way, as if when I give advice on awakening or self worth and happiness I am telling you how to achieve it instead of letting whoever it is find it for themselves, within themselves. Im sure we have all run into this notion that we might be selfishly acting out whenever we tell someone what to do, maybe since every situation is unique we should vaguely guide and let the person experience it for themselves. It seems as though if you tell someone to meditate or involve more beneficial lifestyle habits into their life to achieve a higher sense of self and a higher level of happiness they seem to try and find something, nostalgic in nature most times, that connects them back to a certain divine feeling they have had in the past. This of course most likely wont be accomplished, meditating wont necessarily activate your pineal gland or give you an out of body experience because these are individual experiences that people have had in the past that are unique to their own makeup and their own experience and structure as a human beings. When people search these experiences out they are missing out on the point that what you expect to happen might not, and probably wont, happen when you envelope and incorporate these potentially beneficial activities into your life. What will happen is an experience specifically tailored to you, a genuine experience of the self. This experience will be unique but equally as important and valuable as the next, maybe you wont have an incredible out of body experience into ethereal realms of infinite energy but you might uncover a hidden message in your life or come to understand something you might not have been able to wrap your head around before. The stance that should be taken with any endeavor is to address these things on a personal level and understand that it is not what they can do for your desire for the experience, but what they can accomplish within your being what you would have never desired or expected to happen. This in most cases doesnt mean nothing of what you think will happen will happen, I am simply stating to clear your mind and be open to the experience of these potentially beneficial activities. This is why it sometimes feels selfish because often I have a rather selfish feeling when I go to meditate or go to do anything of this sort and it really has to do with how I treat it as what can the experience do for me, when in return it is me who guides it and should be what can I do for the experience, whatever it may turn out to be. I would also feel as though anyone else I just told to meditate would go in with the unique experience I had and think they would experience the same. It would feel disingenuous since very experience is different just as every person is different.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:21:52 +0000

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