I feel compelled to share a true story of a couple who fed the - TopicsExpress


I feel compelled to share a true story of a couple who fed the homeless this Morning and although they would not post this I felt I wanted to share. This young man works for a company and day after day he makes stops along his way and over time he has built a working relationship in the market place with the people he makes stops at. This young man told this well established business to please not throw out good food in the trash if they could not use it that he would pick up the perfectly great food and give it to the homeless. Out of the blue this company called this man and said I have 90 sandwiches that was left over from a event and they cant save them. If he wanted them he had to go get them this Morning. This young man gathered his wife and children and went and picked up the perfectly great sandwiches and drove over to where he could give the sandwiches to the homeless. Their hearts were broken to see the families there with their children dirty, no clothing, just old dirty diapers and hungry reaching up to take a sandwich. The young mans wife was so touched in her heart her small son said my mom wanted to take the kids home and bathe them. She pulled out her baby-wipes and gave them to the moms as they began to wash the children with the wipes. When I was told this story my heart was overwhelmed with all that I have and to know there are children and families just living on the streets which I already new existed but for whatever reason it just gripped me today. I am so thankful for all I have and I feel compelled to do something. Whenever you see someone hungry feed them, if they need clothes give them some of yours. This family will be taking clothes back to them. They are just one family, but we can all do something when we see hungry, hurting people. Just because we close our eyes does not mean this does not happen all around us. Our church gives food away, but what can you and I do? I want to open my eyes and see what is it I can do.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:45:12 +0000

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