I feel like such a slacker... :( I have attempted to update daily - TopicsExpress


I feel like such a slacker... :( I have attempted to update daily and it never fails I am needed somewhere else. I am doing my best..sorry all. Our lives have been hectic to say the least with Ginni and her broken arm but we have as of today hit our stride so to speak, things are back on schedule and the kids are doing awesome but with her cast coming off soon I afraid it will be short lived. I am totally okay with that though because these great days make up for all the not so great ones. :) Ginni has adjusted so quickly to using one arm that it scares us to death! I am trying to do more stretching and dancing and safe climbing in order to help her achieve the sensory seeking but in a safer way. Seems to be helping so far so I am sticking with it. :) I will be sure to get video when I can of how well she is handling her broken arm, little Hulk is her nickname for a reason, geez, this girl is gonna be a toughie! Aj is doing amazing as well, he was able to spend some one on one time with his TiTi and it really helped give him the break he needed from school and all his normal stresses. He is loving Math right now in school. He can count to 100 by 1s,5s, and 10s! He has what we are calling scary numbers which are numbers that for reasons we havent discovered yet make him nervous or scare him and those are 15 when he is counting by fives and 20 when he is counting by ones. He refuses to say them or even acknowledge them, so we are working him through it at his pace, this is why we are homeschooling him so that when he hits a wall he can break through it on his terms. :) His reading skills are improving nicely, he is really starting to enjoy trying to read things when we are out and about or at appointments. Normally he would restrict himself to just when we are at home but he seems to be getting a lot more comfortable with who he is and how he understands things. I think he is realizing that he is very different from kids his age but at the same time realizing how awesome he is, lol. He is truly embracing all his wonderful qualities and I am loving watching him grow! Today truly has been an amazing day and normally I do not like Mondays at all, they have always been my worst day, but today I was proved wrong....who would have thought all I needed to do was make it a spiritual day. ;) Quick update on appointments and such: Ginni has her Ortho follow up to hopefully have her cast removed. They will do X-Rays first and make sure her bone has healed and if all is good her cast comes off. Yay! Then she has her speech screening for Preschool, we had to reschedule it when she broke her arm because it was on the same day they put her cast on. Not sure how far out they will bump us but hoping to find out tomorrow. Coming up in the next few months is Developmental Peds for both kiddos, probably looking at an ADHD diagnosis for AJ but thats nothing we havent expected. :) He also has to do some follow up growth tracking appointments up in Denver because we have to keep track of where he is as far as where he needs to be as so on. I am sure I am forgetting a few because my eyes are closing on me as I type. Thanks to all for being patient with me and understanding our very real struggle. I must stop typing and sleep...lol...night all. Praying for all and sending tons of love. :)
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:16:48 +0000

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