I feellike I repeat myself all the time, making sure peopel - TopicsExpress


I feellike I repeat myself all the time, making sure peopel udnerstand, half the time it is this massively long huge discourse that peoepl think they get the first few liens - the problem is i have spent most ofmylife explainign basic things that to mne i take fro granted and there is no 20 words or less way to get from point a to point b - so since evrerybody thinks i talk to mucha nd repeat myself and am half crazy I am goign to say a simple thing that might help you udnerstand how i speaka nd what is ay and what i mean In revelation, the dragonw as tied up with a chain that was notliek broken, he was bound witha chain that had no like connecting links it was a solid chain with no breaks, link connected to link connected to link - spiritually i ahev foudn this emans when is epak, im imediately accused of soemthign i dotn mean so i tie that chain link in, then im todl they get it and udnerstand but dont and are thinkign wrong so i tie that one in, byt the time i tie the devil up all the waya nd wrap that chain around so he cant get lose, it soudns like ive just been repeatign msyelf but each time i speak the repeated idea i am saying it with a slight nuance different thent he time before, when the chain si done i sound crazy peopel dont wnat to read it it takes to logn etc my typos dont help either - but there is a method to my madness, and it is actually biblical - and ti mgith soudn nuts and seem liek over kill or boring and a lecture etc - but using this system i ahd the only platoon to ever have every single eprson ace every single test, this includes peopel that got the equivalent of a 15% as their high score on entry tests and people who couldnt even barely speak english etc - so the fruits of the idea are pretty solid and 100%, however i udnerstand everybodys dilemna, the real issue is not udnerstanding yoruself, that i know im repeatign myself it makes me as crazy as it does u havenign to rewrite the same things so many tiems slightly different to end all the constant different arguements and opinions etc makes me mroe insane the n it dsoes u readign it - and ultimately, i still ahve to stay in baby education levels, so i used to get real frustrated tryignt os ay anythign at all - the real problem though guys is to get you from your assumed and presumptious paradigm A to the idea I am tryign to say that is truly so far beyond paradigm A and a matter of spirit which can not be expressed ina common way, forces me to write immensly long seemingly incoherant repeated drabble - but if u take the time and go slow and work through my typos, you willr ealize, what i had to say was an idea that ultimately cannot be argueed with or fault foudn it it and i have looked at it frome evry angle tested it and been sure of it etc myself as well - all ic an get acroiss though si the basics for you guys, the entire problem is, sometiems an idea literally takes days of nonstop focus and acceptance of proofs ic an go through after that will each take days, to get across to another person with atleast a fairly decent education in what i discuss Look at it thsi way - sometiems im sittign ehre considering things that are 5-10 pages of calculus, multipel languages, me focused 2-3 months at a time looking at every possible minute detaila nd arguement and diea ,a nd then i see oen of u need that answer for literal life and i know you guys arent goign to take months of me teachign u tpo get a simple concept, but tryign to get that concept across even a ltitle bit , and even though ti seems so simple like i coudl ahve said it easier, isnt possible and its nto because ic ant type better, the idea cant be said easier, etc, it is because if i dont tie that chain from one end to the other without lettign ti go and linming it back to itself without um liek a chain u use a pad lock to connect together, this type of chain ahs to be made so the pad lock part is another perfect link, so there are no seams int he chain no connectign links they are all the exact link without break int eh chain - and iknwo it soudns odd but everybody as a normal human beign even me listenignt o soembody else, always losses focus changes subject gets broed falls asleep etc soemthign always happens at the very end of the chain literlaly, before its finally all tieds together, idk if its the devil in us tryignt o not listen or if its just the human condition and boring and make u fall asleep tyrign to stay focused on soembody else takign so many steps, but everytime, peopel lose focus the next to last link, like as a standard when i have to tie ideas together, my problem, event he veery advanced concepts i talk to u gusy about and explain, are so basic and like simple to me the problem is liek in math in school, the etacher started to write the problem - i knew the answer before it was done, udnerstood the idea for the entire class and was essentially broed before that first equation got qwritten down, and so fast and finished so soon on ti id get kicked out of math so everybodye lse could learn and figure it out etc, well, my life has been liek that - i go so fast and researchs o much and stay focused so many days weeks months ata time on soem things , that tryignt o relate it to another person they are like uhg just finish what ur saying stop beign so basic stop im ntoa child, dont treat me liek ims tupid etc - my problem is im nto treatign u lieka child im expectign u to stop acting like im that dumb, what i have to say may seem repeatative and boring and etc, but agaoin, im nto stupid, ims ayign soewmthing that is simple and seemingly repetative and soudns like uve hear dit a thousand times, but im nto sayign ti the way uve heard it before, old wives tales uve heard a hudnred time, when u hear most peopels ay it they ahve a meanign ro idea behoidn it - when is ay it, im sayign as somebody that udnerstand the nuances peopel ahve no clue about - so my little repetitions, my slight nuance changes my seemingly forever lectures, im nto stupid either there is amethod to my madness, there is a reason for sayign thinsg the way i do and i know typos make it hard, but even though it soudns liek uve heard what ims aying or get the idea or think its unneccessary to keep on the same seemingly exact opic, realize just like u dotn wnat me to treat u liek rua child, and baby talk to u liek u dotn dunerstand soemthign etc - dont fall intot hat yourself and think what ui have to say is soem easy thing u already figured out andmade a bad assumption thinking u get it - i am nto stupuid either, what i ahve to say is deeper then cu an imagine im goignt o give u the simplest of examples i can - wisdom and understanding are not the same thing, knowledge is death oin witchcraft and upside down from how it actually works, there are not 11 there are ten and ten only not nine, but ten, not 11 but ten, knowledge is the backside fo crown, not an additional aspect now if u knwo hebrew if u have wisdom fi ur a very smart itneligent person that grew up readign the torah and studying the odl testament, u still dotn know what i justs aid, if u are english speaking never been exposed to the hebrew landauges literal alphabet grammer and what abraham figured out, u cant udnerstand what i justs aid, if ur a witch a wikken a very educated scientist and mathmatician, this si still beyond you and the fruits of udnerstanding ti are immense, it explains why peopel who are obeyign the holy ghost know they are doign right but cant explain it, it explains why peoepl who have experience ian field and think that means they are wise have no cvlue what wisdom even is, it explains the difference bwteen speakign in faith in jesus name and beign witch and commiting one the worst sins uc an and deserving of beign killed for it, it explains the difference between abraham and say chinese, between decimala nd binary, between most major religious beliefs on a human bodys chakras or energy centers and a complete belief, and truly many other things - but what i emant by ti was simple, I have wisdom - and yes i knwo its unwise to think u are wise - i also have knowledge and yes i udnerstand it is death to have knowledge and techcnially the word itself for death came from knowledge - i know what i justs aid in ways nobody seems to on thsi planet when is peak and then very few have a real idea, and if i try to explain it i need to literally take months of focused one on one study and it migth astill nto be enough - ill tell u soemthign in another way that might help u grasp these concepts - 0 dividede by 8 is 0, but 8 divided by 0 isnt 0 its infinity - next there is no such thing as zero and it techcnially is not soemthignw e shoudl nromally sue in mathmatics at all it is a concept not a mathmatical function and violates the way reality actually works as well as introduces heretical doctroine next, pi ois not this 3.14 etc number with no repetitions or end - pi is literally the set of 3 to 22/7 and pi does not only mean the ratio of a circle it alspo means the ratio of all basic shapes in a circumfrance we will do one more, e=mc2 is not a complete equation and only makes sense if your above the universe base that is itself infinite - in other words, e=mc2 makes a bomb work and we cna prove its fairly acurate, the problem is it assumes total anhialation fo the mass in question is possible, what if u can not destroy the mass and it is not e=mc2 simply because the mass will nto actually disapear - the resulting fact means e does not equal mc2, it means e/c2=infinity at the point the m shoudl be consumed and equal zero - in essence we run into a problem with the simpelst fo matha nd simplest and easily understood equations, at the actual mathmatical fucntion we created called zero - the problem with zero, is there is no counterpart in reality, thats the issue, u can have 1 bannan 2 banans etc, even pi the one we use at 3.14nonrepeating number series is still techcnially part of 3-22/7 and exists bu tthere is no natural zero in nay form and it is not techcnially condisive to doign real math either, we assume it is we easily udnerstand a zero as a child, it make ssense 0 is between 1 negative 1, but if u get right down to it, zero has been a very stubborn stumbling block to advancement of science andmathmatics - see is oudn nuts and crazy and like a 2 year old is smarter then me there is no such thing as zero, oh i get it ya cause their is no real vaccum or etc or ya because there is no such thign as nothigne tc - NO - I am not talkign theory, I am saying for a fact I know zero is not somethign we shoudl sue oin alot fo mathmatics we use it in and it is not condusive to udnerstanding the universe almost at all, i am sayign its not soem idea that yes there is no such thign as nothing, there is no real vaccum type so there is no where in our rewlaiyty that a zero actually exists in reality I get the idea i said the idea nobody told me these things, my point i s beyodn allt hsi deeper then u understand btu when said as , and before 1 what do u count? in its simplest construct but the repurcusions and udnerstandings and theology and etc i am actually makign a statement about that is so vast this very idea itself coudl take pages and pages and pages and still dsound like im sayign theory and talkign gibberish or treatign peopel liek they are stupid What i am tryignt os ay is, i get it guys, i soudnnuts, i repeat msyelf alot, i treat peoepl liekt hey are stupid and they dont need to have me repeat the same idea over and over - my problem, im nto stupid either, im nto repeatign msyelf, i expect you to step up your game and keep upow uithte ideas i am speakign to, i know i sound nuts, but the peopel who actually think maybe i am a ltitle out there and nto all here, havent even started to do the simplest of basic thoings required to ahve a clue what im talkign about and truly are just making railing accusations against tsoemthignt hey dotn udnerstand so i get it guys, soudns liek imr epeatign msyelf, soudns like i lost my midn and make no sense , soudns liek either im beign stupid or treatoign u liek u are - what if none of this is true, what if i am actually saying soemthing that only can be udnerstoiod withthe repetitions that i am not stupid and do not treat u stupid and am assuming if u pay attention and try uc an grasp what im saying and see the truth not just say ok i gett he idea and u mgiht be wrong my point is, i ahve addresssed the arguements that have any merit at all about my posibility of beign wrong in my repetitions, i have dealt with every contradictory theory to what i ahve had to say, and what i have to say is still just liek the one cheribum on the ark, the voice of thelord came from between the cheribum, when god talked to moses he didnt speak to msoes moses wrote down god talkignt o hismelf, and as god woudl talk to himself, the voice the soudn woudl coem from above the mercy seat from between the two cheribum, liek two or more agree so shall ti be doen where two or more gather there will i be, liek 2 swords sharpenign each other etc, like on person talking to another persona dn the idea or ppooint fo the covnersation being between their dialogue what im tryign tos ay is, i have to tie the devil up, and then i ahev to say soemthign that can not be defined, then i ahve to confront the obvious common arguements and eventually get a completed idea across ina bucnh fo paragraphs that soudns liek i am just repeatign msyelf to a believer, and soudns like i am arguing lots of things an athiest never cared about - regardless of this eprson not needing to go through ti all or that person only needign this bit or that bit, there came a point in time where i realized, I AM SICK OF REPEATI NG MYSELF FOR NOBODY TO EVEN UNDERSTAND what I amean by what is ay i get they think what they think but what i had to say was never grapsed - so now i just cover my bases, dont wnat to read it dont have to, think im a bit nutty and overboard or god only knwos what soem think fo me? i get that, i do i udnerstand im nto stpud and i can take ti and dish it out, i hear soem u gusy post and am like omg really? etc lol i get it ill use my earlier discourse about destiny and fate to eros that wa smassively huge and repeatative and then seeming to change subject etc I said alot a whole lot, bu there is a reason - it truly was to save a life, and it truly was soemthign i watch peopel still that claim to believe in jesus that claim to be this religion rot hat religion sit there and think they can justify their belief in fate or destiny - or act liek god knwos whats goign to happen to us thats our destiny etc - still think they can say destiny si real and fate is real - there is no truth to it - it is literally illogical and unbased romanticized ideaology created by the enemy fo god andman, and harbinger of death to kill peopel and manipulate societies and control power and not lose it - i get u gusyopinions yoru theories etc i do - but i didnt say that for your benefit, i didnt say what i did as an opinoion, i udnerstand if u dotn read it dismiss it etc think ive lost my midn all that i get it - but i just went threough every possible disagreement and actual reasoning and reason behidn them addressed the entire gambit and entire spectrum ont he subject i have had to dealqw ith for decades that cost me marriages friends kill themselves over it etc, this is personala nd i ahve had to many experiences withthe devila nd satan themselves take human lives cause terrible divorces i mena just ltieral attrocities agaisnt human beings, witht he entire destinya dn fate thing and the problem is that god is all knowing and knows your beginnign and end, therefore peopel think that means your fateis written your destiny is decided - that is a perversion fot he spirit based on poor logic, just because god knwos your end, doesnt mean your end never changes, just because god knows soemthing, doesnt mean that somethign isnt changed at whim, daily, everytime u decide a single thing, just because god knwos the out vcomne foa thing, in now way whatsoever equates to the out come of a thing is gfixed and ucnhangable or thatg the outcome of a thing will even happen - it just means if u decide not to listena nd blow it off, god knwos what they elads to and the obviousness of that conclusion, it doesntmean it was your fate to ignore sound logic and reason to hold onto a pretty soudning, romantic seeming literally blashpemous and heretical mythological and pagan false god i get all the reasons u think ti does work and exist - i staed all the reasons i explained how satan works i said bluntly its oen his best most cunning tools, its almost like karam, but way way way worse karam in other words god is just and vengence is the lrods he will repay, (he rapays the good what they losta nd the bad what they took type or deserve) peopel call that kaamra and think they udnerstand it, ooo u helepd soembody u are buildign good karma ooo u hurt soembody ru building bad karma - when they actually only happens soemtiems, ever see a guy doign bad that never seems to get smacked for it typoe, never caught etc or soembody else doign right seems liek anythign they do it sjust mreo and mroe and mroe bad on them? itas because time and circumstance happen to everybody - peopel call that luck, all the sudden we have destiny si trtue, karama is true, luck si true, and peoepla rgue how each oen is true - but do u realize karam and luck and destiny cant work together if its yoru destiny how is luck a factor - so essentially if u si tthere tellign em how destiny si true, ualso have to realzie that emans there si no such thing as luck or karam, if u sit there sayign luck is real, there is no such thing as destiny then, there is a way it works though, vengence is mine sayeth the lrod i will repay - time and circumstance happen to all - and and I will ahve mercy on whom i will ahve mercy in other words its not luck but tis colose , its the situatiosn and environments a person goes through and the tiems that come upon him type, seaspons hours of a day etc, theyc hange things and have different in;lfuences on our reality - but primarily the reason this seems right or that seems right or this is confusoing or no proof for that oen etc, the reson tis not destiny or fate or luck ro karama tec liek peopel think is very soimple, and i knwo peopel dotn agree they say it cant be proven etc but im nto argui ng this im tellign u fact u can not like is true all day long ti wont change anything, no amlihjnt of logic and reason will prove it wrong, no articulate discourse will provide a sufficient idea to contradict it the fact is, reality, what happens to us in oru lfies, all that si very complex but its not just soem set of ruels that amke ti all work, that always are constiant and do not change, even the rules that are consistant and do nto change set up situations that allow for seemingly random or luck based events, but even that isnt all - when u get right down to it you and i and god literally change ti all at whim - a human being has mroe effect on reality and the out come of a suituation then destiny karam luck or fate combined - and god s whim and who he will forgive and who we wont - has more effect on the history of the plane then even mankinds will or any other combined real force what i justs aid was, destiny si a lie, fate is a lie, luck is a lie, and karama is a lie - they are all false, but their are ruels the unvierse follows that are simmiliar to them, but they are subject tot he will fo god and man and do not take precedence over simple things like spoken requests or willpower or judgement by any real entity god not rofgiving pharoah for instance changed the course of our history as we know it, jesus literally choosing to go through with dyign ont he cross, change the entire human race, how we mark time, how we define things, entire coultures religions wars throughotu hsoitory one man makign oen decision ahd mroe impact on the entire history of mankind combined then destiny ro karama or luck or fate ever did combined so i get the arguements id o, did u not see i spent horus post after post discussing it goignfrom oen idea tot he next soudnign liek iw as repeatign msyef but actually adreessing the largets concerns and ideas and effects and affects - id di mybest to draw the whoel circle for ya basically - ic an do it better but itll take mroe space and mor eposts but ic an deal with every possible disagreement and arguement - regardles sid di my best to make th epost so the peopel i hoepd read it would hear it and stoop goign hey what about this u mgith be wrong or i dotn think ru right i think this that or the other which at this ppoint is literally me beign told,. u knwo what, i ahve no bases for why i think thsi thing, other then iw ant to be right and dotn like there is no such thign as fate ord estiny so no proof no logical reason, not ruth to it, but i have decided ur wrogn and destiny is real and i liek it - so even if i truly say soemthign i adress the real actual concerns or ideas that are sprung from the concept itself or the real disagreements or arguements that ahve teakne years to come to and even questiona nd still mgith be wrong ro right but took awhile to even get uncovered, so even though there is ltierally no proof for a false diety being real ie destiny and the concepts she reperesentied ebign reasl, i get it im human ic get the idea i can see how peopel woudl think that even - but what uic ant accept is logiclaly considering each aspect and arguement ont he pro destiny exists side and realizing there are truly better and atleast you can find instances of existing ide that prove it cant be, so why after takign all that time to say - hey guys ive delt witht his satanaic cunning and tricky bs before and its cost alot of peopel their lvies i dont mean to be a kill joy but this is an important issue tat needs to be addresssed especially by peopelc laiming to believe in god or jesus etc, - and this si why this is what satan does with it the fryuits of it are ltierlaly deatha dn divorce and judgment asnd condemnation fo righteous kidn and just people and enslavement of masses etc to have a girl liek always say its real just because i decide it is cause its magical and romantic - well do u udnerstand your wonderful lala land dream u like and seems pretty and romantic, is killing peopel and costing people their families and lives and aiding multiple humanitarian attrocities by the millions century after century is it really so pr[etty and fluffy now? so guys i get it i soudn nuts i speak in circles i have bnad typos and make statements that soudn well that nobody wnats to have to listen to and then dont stop on it and harp on ti for post afte rpost after post i get it, im justa skign u to realize just liek u doint liek em talkign to u liek ur stupid or treating u liek afool liek u r to dumb to udnerstandi soemthign i am saying - realize im not stupid either, thats not what im doing care about u guys alot i hate typign this much also i feel stupid doign it, but id rather feel stupid and look dumb and nuts then see a single one of u die or kill urself or suffer truly losing famileis or chidlren etc , so idm beign called things looked at woierd treated crazy if it helps a single oen of u not die or go through decade long heartbreak and losing children divorces
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:41:07 +0000

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