I finally released Gods Assassin last weekend! - TopicsExpress


I finally released Gods Assassin last weekend! kongregate/games/greg/gods-assassin Its a Choose Your Own Adventure-style interactive fiction Flash game inspired by a novel Ive been writing and rewriting since I was about 13 years old. Its the heartwarming tale of Jesuss evil twin sister, whos on a mission to save the universe by wiping out all human life on planet Earth. The story is very anti-religion. In fact, speaking out against religion was one of the main reasons I wrote it. A major theme of the story is that the concept of God is a mental burden that humanity must shed in order to culturally progress. But while I was editing the final draft, my beliefs changed drastically. The concept of God seems to progress through 3 distinct stages within the human mind. First, most people start out religious. There are lots of reasons for this -- childhood indoctrination, fear of death, social pressure, search for meaning, etc. Religion is embraced by billions of people around the planet, and the roots for these beliefs are very similar. Thats Stage 1. The problem, though, is that there is no anthropomorphic God. There is no bearded man in the sky judging our beliefs and behavior. The more time you spend thinking about religion, the more obvious this fact becomes. Atheism is a very natural second stage. When religion is shed, a complete lack of belief in any higher power is usually embraced. This is Stage 2, and its where I spent most of my life, up until about a year ago. There is, however, a third stage along this natural path of progression, and I see more and more people waking up to it every day. Once you abandon the idea of an anthropomorphic God, youre free to let your mind explore alternate possibilities. Explore enough, and it all leads back to the same place: unity. When we no longer reserve the word God for an invisible man in the sky, we are free to acknowledge that God is everyone and everything. Everyone you meet is God. Every grain of sand on every beach is God. Gradually, the mind can begin to understand that everything is inter-connected, that all is one. The distinction between Stage 2 and Stage 3 might seem purely philosophical at first, but it goes much deeper than this. God is, ultimately, consciousness. Everything is rooted in consciousness. We are all God, and we are all experiencing God. Gods consciousness, in fact, is the only consciousness that exists at all. Your mind and your consciousness are two very distinct, separate things. Ask yourself this: Who is aware of your thoughts? Who is that silent watcher of everything that passes through your mind? Do you identify yourself as being your thoughts, or do you identify yourself as being the one who is aware of your thoughts? Your mind is a tool -- a product of physical brain matter that will be lost upon death. It forms your current identity, but it does not represent who you truly are. Your consciousness is an outside frequency that your brain tunes into through the pineal gland. Your consciousness will persist after death. The catch? You have to share it with everyone else, because theres only one in all of existence. This is God. This is you. Yes, you are God. THE God. The same God that manifested our physical reality with pure, infinite consciousness. On some deep, subconscious level, you already know this. You chose to forget, and you can choose to remember. Clear your mind, focus on the present moment, let go of your temporary ego identity, meditate deeply, and understanding will come. You have been through this before, and you will go through it again. You have no beginning and no end. Your existence is infinite, united with everyone and everything. When the moment of clarity strikes, you will understand there exists only one consciousness, of which we are all currently experiencing our own unique subjective fragments during the eternal, ever-expanding present moment. This is widely recognized as enlightenment, the realization that you are everything: every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You ARE. I understand that most of you wont believe a word Im saying. Thats fine. I actively encourage skepticism. Seek the truth for yourself, and never blindly adopt someone elses beliefs as your own.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:12:23 +0000

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