I found much of this pretty accurate: Numerology: Life Path - TopicsExpress


I found much of this pretty accurate: Numerology: Life Path Number Everything is energy. Numbers are energy as well. Each Number vibrates to a particular frequency. Like everything in nature a number has a positive aspect as well as a negative one. All numbers have their beauty traits and also challenges that come along. Life Path Number help you understand your powers and true nature. Your Life Path Number is the most important in numerology as it tells you who you are at birth and what traits, energies and qualities are carried through your life journey. This will help you to know yourself by being more aware of your negative tendencies and become more confident in your positive attributes. Calculate Life Path Number This is how it works: All numbers of your birthday (day, month and year) are added together and reduced to a single digit. For example Feb 22 1982 is calculated and reduced to 8 Month: (2) - February is the second month of the year. Day: (4) - 22 Day calculates as 2+ 2 = 4 Year (2) as 1982 calculates as 1+ 9 + 8 + 2 = 20 which further reduces to 2 + 0 = 2 Life Path Number in this case is 2 + 4 + 2 = 8 Numerology The exception made is when numbers are Master Numbers: 11, 22, 33. However master numbers can also be treated as single digit numbers. Master numbers are considered to have extra powers or double the power of a single digit. But with power comes also responsibility. Master Numbers usually encounter more challenges and difficulties that can lead to accomplish something more powerful in their lifetime. The suggestion would be to really dig deep into the subtle message that your life path number is trying to tell you and learn from the challenges. Life Path Numbers: Life path number 1: The number 1 is the Number of Power. You are born to be a leader. Leader, enthusiast, entrepreneur, passionate, hard worker, motivation, inspiration, determination, logical, independent, committed. The Negative aspect of Number 1 Life Path when out of balance - tendency to be arrogant, aggressive and angry. Learn to meditate and calm your mind. Open your heart. Cultivate compassion and gratitude. Stay True to yourself and purpose. Life path number 2: Number 2 is the Number of Love. Romantic, affectionate, lover, passionate, artistic, sensitive, intuitive, mediators, balance, judges, social workers, counselors, duality, cooperation, diplomacy, harmony, peace, love, grace. Number 2 can be shy. The negative aspect of number 2 when out of balance - tendency to go into depression and isolation, can be emotional, critical and get offended easily. Go out enjoy the other’s company. Learn to tap into your personal powers and strength. Stand your grounds. Life path number 3: Number 3 is the number of the artist, poet, musician, entertainer, dancer. Very friendly, expressive, artist, highly creative, charismatic, optimistic, generous, givers, great company. Number 3 can be vulnerable and overemotional. The negative aspect of number 3 when out of balance - tendency to go into depression and have mood swings. Learn to ground yourself. Stay true to yourself. Life path number 4: Number 4 is the number of stability. Very organized, disciplined, courageous, loyal, down to earth, practical, analytical, trustworthy. Good architects, engineers, constructors, mechanics. They make excellent partners. The negative aspect of number 4 when out of balance - tendency to be stubborn and take everything too seriously. Learn how to be flexible. Loosen up. Come from the mind to your heart. Life path number 5: Number 5 is the Free spirit. They love freedom and adventures. Highly intelligent, smart, curious, sensual, humorous, lives life Now, visionary, multi talented. They can be great salespeople, motivators, great communicators any career that involves traveling, advertising, publicity. The negative aspect of number 5 when out of balance - tendency to be dramatic, and self absorbed. Learn patience. Stay focus, stay grounded. Life path number 6: Number 6 is the number of Awareness. They dedicate their life to serve others. Compassionate, understanding, loving, nurturing, responsible, protective, reliable, charismatic, magnetic. They are givers, make great healers, doctors, nurses, care givers, fire fighters, humanitarian. The negative aspect of number 6 when out of balance - tendency to be critical of others and neglect themselves. Learn to stop pleasing everyone and start appreciating yourself. Learn to stop carrying others burden on your shoulders and let others learn their lessons. Life path number 7: Number 7 is the number of Knowledge. They are very wise, deep thinkers, intuitive, spiritual, analytical, cerebral, independent. They are seekers of truth and wisdom. Number 7 loves nature. Their mysterious nature makes them very attractive and charming. They make great researchers, scientists, inventors, academicians, mathematicians. The negative aspect of number 7 when out of balance - tendency to be isolated, withdraw from society, quarrelsome, selfish. Learn to express yourself, be open to others, open your heart, be flexible. Life path number 8: Number 8 is the number of Wealth. Successful, lucky, influential, ambitious, great leader, goal oriented, charismatic, confident. They often have careers related to money: banking, real estate, business, also great teachers and managers. The negative aspect of number 8 when out of balance - tendency to be arrogant and stubborn. Learn patience, live within your means. Life path number 9: Number 9 is the number of Spirituality and Completion. Generous, trustworthy, compassionate, very intelligent, humanitarian, selfless, “the philanthropist”. You meet and make friends easily. Number 9 people make the best artists, teachers, healers, spiritual leaders, photographers, environmentalists. Their power is in the ability to finish what they start. They see the “big picture”. The negative aspect of number 9 when out of balance - tendency to be aloof, withdrawn and even ungrateful. Learn to ground yourself and balance the real life with the spiritual life. Learn to accept the world and people around you with their imperfections. Master Numbers: Note: If your life path number is a master number learn to control your ego. Your number is not superior than any other number. Channel that powerful energy of excitement and pride to serve your highest dreams and do good in the world. Life path number 11: Number 11 is the number of Illumination, and Enlightenment You have great gifts but learn to contain the pride of life path number 11. Highly intuitive, intelligent, sensitive, dreamer, highly empathic. Number 11 makes great metaphysicians, psychics, intuitives, prophets, mediums, healers, massage therapists. “The wounded healer” - they suffered dramatically at some point in their life, managed to overcome the challenge that changed into a profound spiritual experience. They are the ones that help others to reach “illumination”. You feel different than others and many times you feel alienated. Number 11 can be very shy as a child. Remember your basic root number is 2, so you also have the qualities and traits of number 2. The negative aspect of number 11 when out of balance - tendency to be depressed, have low self esteem, lacks confidence. Learn to ground yourself, relax and balance all areas of your life. Learn to take action on your insight and ideas. Learn to not be overwhelmed by your gifts. Life path number 22: Number 22 is the number of Power. Great manifester, highly intuitive, resourceful, great visionary. Numbers 22 makes great business people, politicians, master teachers. You have great gifts but learn to contain the pride of life path number 22. Remember your basic root number is 4, so you also have the qualities and traits of number 4 plus the insight of number 11. The negative aspect of number 22 when out of balance - are afraid of failure, blaming others for their failure, tendency to be timid, controlling, depressed, nervous tension. Your thoughts are very powerful so focus on positive thoughts. As you are a great manifester be careful what you wish for. Learn not be overwhelmed by your gifts. Have faith in others. Learn balance. Life path number 33: Number 33 is the number of Christ Consciousness - The Master Teacher. That being said you are not the world savior. You have great gifts but learn to contain the pride of life path number 33. Altruistic, highly intuitive, compassionate, great healers, psychics, teachers, spiritual leaders. Their life purpose is to raise the consciousness and help as many people as possible to uplift the energy of the world. Remember your basic root number is 6, so you also have the qualities and traits of number 6. Learn not be overwhelmed by your gifts, make peace with your gifts and accept them responsibly.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:51:03 +0000

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