I go take a nap for a few hours and then come back with 80 more - TopicsExpress


I go take a nap for a few hours and then come back with 80 more facts to do. ASDFGHKL; IM TRYING TO DO THIS AND PEOPLE KEEP ON TAGGING TO DO MORE WHUT THE HECK ELAINE HUMBERTO ANDREW ETHAN JENNY. ; - ; heres 120 facts 1. Im in Spanish 2 but I suck at it 2. In class essays kill me 3. Im absolutely terrified of horror films 4. I like spicy food 5. I have a major sweet tooth 6. Im the Elaine Translator 7. Im in the middle of eating dinner 8. My eye bags are getting as bad as Elaines. 9. Not a morning person 10. Waking up is hard for zero period 11. I get to go home after 5th period c: 12. I still have never listened to Anaconda 13. Im never gonna reach Grandpappy Ericks age 14. Fav manga genre is Historical 15. Im really behind on my tv shows 16. Dont like spoilers. No spoilers pls 17. I like animals 18. Animals dont like me 19. Tone Deaf af 20. I used to play the violin up til the 7th grade 21. I refuse to play the violin for Elaine 22. I love seafood. 23. Im playing the villain in Erick and my movie for the Google 20 Project 24. I hate the color yellow 25. I love the color black 26. Im dense af when it comes to love 27. Dont like drama 28. Pue 29. Soda carbonation kills my throat. 30. Im Belgiums delegate in Model United Nations 31. I cant cook. Ill burn the house down. 32. I learned how to swim last year 33. Jenny is treating me to sushi 34. I dont wear Make up 35. I need new clothes 36. PROCRASTINATIONNN is my best friend and worst enemy 37. Ive poured gatorade on Andrew 38. Ive lost most of my sense of shame and dignity long ago 39. Im not very sociable 40. Im pretty good at memorization 41. Ive been called the Spawn of Satan 42. I finished eating dinner 43. This is too many for me. 44. Why am I doing this again? 45. Ughh I hate you people who tagged me in this 46. I dont have a fav anime 47. I have a soft spot for 80s-90s shoujo manga 48. You people arent even gonna read this 49. Idk why Im actually putting facts down 50. I could put random stuff down and you guys wouldnt even notice 51. T-rex goes meow 52. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH?! 53. No even half way done 54. I can study for more than 12 hours straight 55. I love sleep. I need more of it 56. Mochi Ice Cream sounds good about now 57. Not scared of bugs 58. But I HATE HATE HATE them 59. Im a sadist 60. I cri at the amount I still have to do 61. I have hw that I should be doing instead of this 62. I know the lyrics to really stupid songs.. 63. PRAISE THE HELIX FOSSIL 64. HONOR THE GOPHER 65. WORSHIP THE POP TART KING 66. DOGE ARMY WILL REIGN SUPREME 67. I love satire. I think theyre ingenious 68. Rowan Atkinson is amazing. Id love to meet him one day 69. 69 hehe. I have the humor of a 7 year old 70. Im pessimistic 71. I can marathon 200 chapters of manga. 72. I need to stop dropping anime at the second to last episode. 73. This is way more than anyone needs to know about me. 74. HOW AM I NOT DONE YET?! 75. I could be watching anime rn 76. I usually arrive 10 min before the agreed meeting time 77. I speak Vietglish 78. I love Disney 79. My more normal nicknames are Nilly, Ly, and Niña 80. I owe Erick $10 81. Im gonna pay him back 82. I dont like being in debt 83. I have a ton of blackmail of Jenny 84. What else am I supposed to talk about myself? 85. Honestly, Id prefer if I got to know a person through verbal exchanges than something I posted online 86. I wanna be a unicorn 87. Id love it if school would stop giving me work 88. I hate common core 89. I hate tests in general 90. I cried at the end of Clannad Afterstory. 91. Mew is my favorite pokemon 92. I have a teddy bear that Ive owned for over 10 years 93. I dont like being ignored 94. I used to have a giant Eevee. God knows what happened to it. 95. Im not into boybands. 96. I like money 97. I hated watching Teletubbbies as a kid 98. I loved reading the Little House on the Praire series 99. I like drinking Vietnamese Iced Coffee 100. TWENTY MORE TO DO DANGNABBIT 101. I have no idea what to put anymore 102. This is the most Ive written about myself 103. I wanna learn German one day 104. Mochi Ice Cream sounds good about now 105. My birth name is Ngoc Khanh Nhi Ly 106. Im a Vietnamese Immigrant 107. I love beautiful voices. Both speaking and singing voices. 108. NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NIHAO NYAN 109. THIS TOOK WAY TO FRIGGIN LONG 110. WAI DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS TO ME?! 111. I HOPE YOURE HAPPY. 112. NEARLY DONE 113. FRIGGIN ABOUT TIME 114. I hate you people who tagged me in this. 115. Say your prayers 116. I will kill anybody who tags me in anymore of these. 117. I will burn down your houses while you sleep. 118. I dont go down alone. Ill drag you with me 119 I will see you all in Hell 120. c: Feel my pain. Taggin you people who have 120 more to do c: Elaine Karla Jenny Andrew Humberto Ethan Kenny
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:53:40 +0000

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