I go to the grocery store and I have all I can do to pick up a - TopicsExpress


I go to the grocery store and I have all I can do to pick up a thing of milk, someone there puts my groceries in the car for me, its not just because I have a PICC line even before the PICC line my joints are so bad it hurts to carry the smallest thing like my purse...I am constantly so tired I could sleep for days and have before , every part of my body is inflamed every joint including hands, shoulders, hips, back, knees you name it. My testing also came back to prove that with the inflammation markers. There have been days I havent been able to move at night because my body is in so much pain. I have had facial paralysis in the form of a droopy eye, my hands go numb constantly, the headaches, the neck pain, the hot flashes the sweats the brain fog the confusion the memory loss. I hide it all very well because I became good at it after years of misdiagnoses and feeling like crap. One day last year I had someone who finally listened two weeks later all my lyme testing came back positive and more than met CDC criteria...and on top of that I also tested positive for a co-infection Erlichia. Today my insurance told me that someone with lyme can be treated and cured in 28 days of antibiotics. I laughed out loud and could not believe I was being denied for more medicine and PICC care. She said we have already given you more than one month we gave you two! Well thank you you ignorant witch for the favor guess what for someone whos had the disease for nearly a decade not treated because of the ignorant medical community its going to take a lot longer to cure me but oh wait if you knew anything about Lyme you would know there is no cure!!!! And I dont just have lyme I have a co-infection too and testing that proved thats even higher than my lyme ! But do you care no because to you Im just another person who you wont help and treat like a number instead of looking at my actual testing and situation. I have late stage chronic Lyme disease this is a fight for the rest of my life. I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars already because insurance wont cover anything ! and have felt better but its going to take longer to get back to where I should be. I asked my nursing Agent who deals with insurance day to day If I had cancer would this be going much differently ? Her response of course was Yes! The CDC admitted this year that its not 30,000 diagnosed with lyme each year its actually 300,000!! Wake Up People!! Lyme is real and its an epidemic that is crippling our country !!!! I am appealing todays decision and you can bet my appeal will be EPIC! Lyme VS Insurance ! WAR #lymewarrior #sorrynotsorry
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 03:17:12 +0000

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