I got 9. Letss see...what dont most of you people know about me? - TopicsExpress


I got 9. Letss see...what dont most of you people know about me? Well..... 1) I LOVE dancing and I wish I could swing and dance the night way....but Im SOOO afraid of dancing. Theres a traumatizing childhood story behind that. Ask me sometime if you want. 2) I wish so badly that I lived in a 1940s Christmas movie, Middle Earth, and/or Skyrim. 3) Talk to me about movies and music. Any movies. Any music. The nerdier and more passionate the conversation gets, the better. :) 4) I have a woman-crush on Zooey Deschanel. I want to be her. I love her voice. I love her vibe. I love her style (I would just add some punk-ish elements now and then). If I had my way, I would want to meet the love of my life in the way that Zooey & JGL meet in 500 Days of Summer. (See youtube link: youtube/watch?v=v6Lt8s4utYQ ) 5) This year Ive discovered than Im introverted and have Social Anxiety (google it). I am so afraid of people thinking Im super weird, rude, or oafish. I am afraid of people and avoid gatherings of them when I can, but the thing is... I really love people. I would hardcore love the heck out of all of my acquaintances if it was okay, like I would wake up in the middle of the night and walk to their house with a bowl of soup if they were sick... But I stay fairly reserved until Im certain that they dont think Im a total weirdie, and that they would be okay with me caring about them. So if you want to be friends...like seriously...just tell me. 6) If I didnt have the spiritual perspectives that I currently have, I would have artsy/hipster tats up my arms and a nose stud. 7) I have a love/hate relationship with feminism. I do feel like there are some issues in this world that are specifically harming women...but I also feel like its become confused and less about equality and more about getting revenge or being entitled just cuz we have periods or something. Its frustrating and confusing and I HATE IT! ... mostly... 8) I am a hopeless romantic. No seriously, honestly-truly, in every sense of the word. I am in love with love. I fancy all the old-fashioned notions of writing prose and song for one another. Not fluffy and gooey..but sweet and sincere. I love planning surprises for my SO, just because. Sure I dont believe that I have a soul-mate destined for me, and that theres such a thing as a happily ever after in this life, but I do love the idea of finding a best friend forever, someone as nerdy and sentimental as I am, being a powerful team for good and love in the world, and growing old together. Always trying. Always growing. Never giving up on the sappy stuff. 9) I often spend time learning things about operas, 80s movies, astronomy, history, philosophical ideas, food, other peoples jobs, migratory habits of African Swallows, etc..., just so I can be able to have a deep and interesting conversation with almost anyone. Everyone has something theyre passionate about. I like being able to pinpoint it and watch them get all happy and excited. :) Anyways... Like this status and get a number with a picture of SuperGrover or something.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 08:35:48 +0000

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