I got into this business over 11 years ago for one reason: Because - TopicsExpress


I got into this business over 11 years ago for one reason: Because I always wanted to and it was my dream to do so.. I got extremely lucky by having Jimmy Jamm then at the time a ring announcer for NAWA for David Fuller...I was one of the lucky 5 audience members to enjoy that show. I had been going to Uncut at PCW and I tell you as a fan...It was intimidating to talk to anyone about getting in (even harder due to the fact the talent never really talked to fans like we do now) the social network was just starting up and I ran mouth a little too much on message boards. ( Gabe Roach cured me of my direrhea of the mouth by simply wanting to hurt me for calling him Gay-Berg. ..I was saying Gabe - berg to clarify.) Anyway I digress...Jimmy Jamm had messaged me on AOL...yeah thats how we used to do the Internet and it was dial up...twas difficult times alas. (By the way that was like my 20th free disk from Kroger) Jimmy asked me to ring announce instead of himself doing so...I said yes faster than you can even count to a 10 count punch... Understand at this time I was actively going to shows with my coworker Trey Man and My roommate Frankie Fisher... We ran a audience group known as the Heel Section and we made shirts and we were the only successful non - wrestling stable in which wrestlers actually wanted our shirts...unheard of.. so we also pissed off the traditionalists and I was a bit weary of meeting these guys but alas a man must follow his dream...right? Youre damn right! I. Said. Yes. So I went and did the thing I was asked to do...ring announce. ..and Im not sure if you know this or not and not to ring my own bell but Im pretty damn good as an announcer...a natural as I was told. ..Sorry of this seems cocky or arrogant but no one will tell this story until I die or retire or...something. After the show (I didnt even get to go to the back..) I went how and went to wrestling sites. I was messaged by a few people I ran with congratulating me... I was still in shock. Then I received a message from the booker of NAWA Mr. Fuller himself. He had no idea who I was or why I was announcing his show (Jimmy forgot to tell them)...but he was impressed and hired me... My goal then was to wrestle so I trained. David Fuller had Chris Richter train me and Trey Man. Frankie went to PCW training because he had the money to do so... He got trained by Gabe Roach. .. So I went to training. Treys truck always breaking down and the two of us just enjoying the thrill. Finally doing what our blood drove us to do those fateful months. I unfortunately got injured almost right off the bat. But I finished. I wrestled what I could but getting hurt would hinder me worthless at work and no promotion for me...so I ring announced and eventually would become a manager. .. Wrestling has a very bad habit of having ups and downs injuries and 5 star matches...chaos unbound. ..Kato Kaelin took Richter out once. . And its a frustrating business. ...You wont be the star or you will be the star...Its up to the brass really.... Ive been high up and low down....Its tricky....but there is one thing I absolutely know no matter what.... This business owes me not one G*d Damn thing... Im here because I love it. I work at it...Its not a hobby its a craft...Its a dream...a thrill ride that you beg to get on...Its the ....answer. sadly Ive seen the answer being abused and taken lightly. I never have and never will take it lightly nor will I walk away from it. I fought to be here stories and scars to prove it. I know I wont get the place in the business that I want and I know its up to who is in charge..but Ill continue to keep pushing myself harder and fiercer Im in charge of my own destiny here right? Good. Continuing forward...I will provide a product that is within my own limits and expectations of what Id be proud of. I will promote myself. I will make myself all accessible. ..I will do art, video, music and whatever else I know I can do... Talking to Steve, Gabe, and Lance had me realize that not one of them had to do anything for me....not one single thing...yet they have. The biggest scariest wrestlers that I was.sure wanted me destroyed. ..I now call friends and brothers. ..you cant beat that...funny I was a Mike Foxx fan at that time... Well, if youre reading this Steve, Gabe, Lance...Thank you. You have done more for me than you will ever know. I am in your debt and Im not here for a big reward...Im here thats the reward...and wherever it takes me thats the way I was headed anyway... People of earth......my name is Code E. Greyson, and welcome to The Chatroom. ..my continuing mission....stay tuned.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:32:59 +0000

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