I got nominated by Nic, so heres my 20 facts you probably knew but - TopicsExpress


I got nominated by Nic, so heres my 20 facts you probably knew but I did the whole fancy typing out thing :D 1. I love gloomy and rainy weather but I dont like the winter. 2. Im the youngest of 4 children. I have a brother and two sisters. Our age differences rank between 13 years and 18 years. 3. As a kid I bit my nails and pulled out my hair as stress relievers (fancy psychologist theory) I have stopped pulling out hair in chunks buuut still bite my nails. Ive tried stopping a 100 times to no avail. Soooo I glue on plastic nails and fake it. 4. Had brain cancer as a kid, I have a really nifty scar which is pretty frankenmonster awesome! Although I didnt know I actually had cancer until my dad told me so when I was like ....16? Yeah... Im pretty daft like that. 5. I convinced myself I was allergic to Coca Cola when I was a kid. 6. I have really bad self esteem because of childhood bullying and name calling. (you guys are douchebags btw) 7. Im ridiculously shy. Most people wont believe me but I kinda shit myself every time I have to walk over to someone and converse. 8. I HATE PHONING STRANGERS. Like seriously, if you are not my mum or Christiaan dont ask me to call you. Ill die. (Yes Mr. Dentist , this includes you) 9. Iiiiiek I have a fear of needles. I made a vow to myself that before I get a tattoo I will donate blood. Its been 3 years now and I chicken out every time. 10. I dont actually know what my blood group is? 11. Ive been with my best friend for the past 2 and a half years. I stalked the shit out of him and took me 2 weeks of building courage to talk to him . he couldnt hear anything anyway apparently because he was trying to figure out if I was a talking tomato. 12. Im currently studying Fine Arts at Tukkies and I absolutely hate it XD 13. I have a cat called Sparta (after the song), a doggie dog called Gidget but also a half dog (she was mine but loved my mum better)called Nikita. All my pets are rescues except the half dog, shes so pedigree if she had a pinky It would be up. 14. Im a hoarder, I would have fun with friends at the movies and keep the popcorn box. 15. Im obsessed over underwear. 16. I only have 26 teeth. 17. My eyebrows dont match because I was in a quad bike accident in 2006 that basically took off the left side of my face, I had to get stitches in my brow and on my eyelid. 3 months after the accident my mum took out a thorn from my eyelid. I still have it in a wooden box in my drawer. 18. I have never owned a lava lamp or hamster in my life. I did though, buy a pretty little black rat and told my mum I picked it up in the complex. She would have believed me if I didnt pitch with a brand spanking new cage and stuff. I had to give it back. 19. Christiaan and I have over 20 matching freckles and moles. Its kind of scary, in the back of my mind Im praying its just coincidence and not some Lannister shiz. 20.When I was a kid, I stabbed one of my sisters boyfriend in the leg with a steers fork. I dont know why, I cant remember hating him or anything. I think they broke up though. Hooray to cockblock Rolene! :D Okaaay so I nominate Tiffany-Jade. I dunno who else to nominate because everyone either already has or will get pissed at me XD I WANT JUICY ONES TIFAFAH
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 08:13:35 +0000

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