I got the number 7. Here is some nighttime reading for you about - TopicsExpress


I got the number 7. Here is some nighttime reading for you about me. 1) I love Harry Potter. I cried when Dumbledore died, and I cried when I finished the last book. I used to think I might get a letter inviting me to Hogwarts, but that never happened. I had a really hard time not naming baby #2 Albus or Draco. Jared shot those down. I love that the whole series is a resurrection story. I think Ive proved my love for HP. 2) I sometimes, and by that I mean way too often, speak before I think and have absurdly strong opinions about things. Its hard for me to accept that other peoples perspectives are just as valid as mine. Definitely my weakness. The older I get the better hold I have on this, but by the grace of God people seem to forgive me when I get too aggressive about topics! 3)I hate when people make chewing noises. If you asked my friends to describe me I am sure this would come up cause it kind of defines who I am. If you so much as smack a lip one time I might stare daggers at you. Dont even get me started on gum... 4) I am having a home birth with baby number two! Cant even tell you what a relief this is for me. I believe so strongly that women should give birth where they feel the most safe and comfortable. For some women, that is in a hospital. For me, that is in my home. I am so excited! 5) I have two really huge secrets right now that I cant tell ANYONE and its killing me. I am kind of bad at keeping secrets, but especially my own. Im just not a private person so when I have to be its really a challenge. 6) I think that cockroaches are from the devil. Probably the scariest thing on the planet. I once had prenatal vitamins that were the color and size of a cockroach and I couldnt take them because I just imagined that a cockroach was crawling down my throat and I would gag. And also, to top it off, I am allergic to cockroaches. 7) When I was younger, I was an extreme extrovert. After 4+ years of marriage to a very introverted guy, I now am 50/50. I took the test and everything. It still shocks me, but I really love my alone time these days. This could have a huge amount to do with the fact that I am almost never alone now with having Ro. Hope I didnt bore you.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:11:56 +0000

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