I grew up Catholic which has left me predisposed to rebel against - TopicsExpress


I grew up Catholic which has left me predisposed to rebel against all religious hocus pocus, then feel guilty about it. I think that organized religion has some fantastic attributes, where a collection of people can feel something greater than ones self. I believe the Bible is a wonderfully written fictional book of fables and anecdotes that can be used as guidelines on how to treat each other decent. Church or mass? I think its important for everyone to congregate and collectively understand how to not act like wild animals. My qualms with Christianity in whole has everything to do with Christians. Please dont feed your doctrine to those not biting, and integrate it into situations where God need not apply. Like American government and law. The first amendment was created first for a reason. However, I digress, mainly due to an article I read this morning on the Catholic Pope. In a nut shell, he acted more Christ-like than any Christian Ive met this far in my life. First off, he removed the trouble bubble from the Popemobile (which is a recognized word on iPhones, I just found out as I typed it) so he could be closer to fellow Christians. Note: he doesnt want to be closer to his followers, because he doesnt roll like that. The man has faith that if he does get shot or knifed, it would be part of Gods design. Whist in his new pope convertible he sees a disfigured man with boils and sores all over his face, neck, and body. This cat stops his own Pope Parade, gets out into the Beatles-esque crowd, moves other believers aside, and embraces this man. He kisses him on the forehead, places a hand on his head, and prays for him. What a grand gesture, right? Thats not just a good Christian, thats a genuine human being, being human. If you believe in heaven, offering ten percent of your income to the church isnt going to buy your way in. Being selfless most likely will. This Pope has the right idea, maybe if a few of his fellow Christians were to follow suit, the world around them wouldnt seem so bleak. Disclaimer: if you are offended by my views on religion, I think its fair that I share my opinions too. I dont want to look at my Facebook and see images of your grand wizard crucified on a cross or characterized in some political nuance piece being demonized along with the accused as to prove to me that when we hurt ourselves, we hurt Jesus. I keep scrolling and bite my tongue, you should do the same.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:40:10 +0000

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