I grew up in West Duluth. I went to Ely, then Irving while Laura - TopicsExpress


I grew up in West Duluth. I went to Ely, then Irving while Laura MacArthur was being built, then moved over to West and on to Denfeld. When I was in VietNam and someone would ask Where you from? (as they often did because they were anxious to meet someone from home.), I would answer WEST Duluth. I said WEST Duluth as though it was a separate community because I was proud of where I was from. I shoveled walks, cut lawns, raked leaves, shined shoes, sold newspapers for that guy who stood by the 402 (now the Gopher) and set pins in 20th Centruy Lanes for 8 cents a game (line). I had my first crush there, went swimming at the YMCA (later the Welch Center), got into trouble there, and discovered pizza there when Sammys opened there, and I would go into Bridgemans and order a chocolate sundae, a hot fudge sundae and a double rich chocolate malt and then sit there and eat them all at one time. I did eat a lolapalooza once but only to show off. I didnt like them I had to shine a bunch of shoes to get the money for those treats but it was worth it.. I remember there being two bars on Central Ave, The Wagon Wheel and another and I believe two movie theaters. The West Theater was on Central I think. I remember some people by face and forget their names and I recognize names and cant put faces to them. So I get excited when I recognize a name from the past where I grew up. I have seen a lot of changes in West Duluth. Some I dont like because places I remember are going away. Sadly many of the people I knew have passed but there are still many alive and doing well. Our house burned and we moved from 53rd over to 37th, and then over to 34th, across from Stadium Lanes. From there I went into the Navy and was gone until around 1981 when I returned to Duluth with my now wife. Anyone who remembers the kid on the Unicycle will remember me. My Mom made sure that I was in the news with that one wheel contraption and I still have the picture from the newspaper along with the stupid statements I made. SO thanks whoever started this page. I said that before but now you know why I am so thankful you made the page. Thanks again. And to all of you from West Duluth - have a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:41:32 +0000

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