I guess its time for me to vent again here. Once again something - TopicsExpress


I guess its time for me to vent again here. Once again something is brought to our attention that frankly disgusts me when it comes to the way our community is going. As a witch that has lived openly for more than a decade Ive dealt with my share of harassment and bigotry from outside of the pagan community. Its seems that has time passes, I see more and more pagans resulting to the same tactics among our own that we have dealt with from others. This saddens, disgusts and aggravates me to no end. As followers of a spiritualistic path, we are supposed to strive to be above such things. Yet more and more I see our own stooping to that level. When faced with abuse, you have three choices, do nothing, strive to put a stop to that form of abuse, or become the abuser yourselves. Sadly, many pagans are choosing to become abusers in their own right. This shows that they have learned nothing from what they have seen and endured. Many of you who have followed my work for sometime will recall episodes where I have stood up publicly for what I believe in, and where I have stood against such things openly and personally. Never have I, nor ever would I resort to bullying tactics to win my battles. That is because, to me, that way is a cowards way. If I have an issue with someone or something, I stand and I will be counted. But I refuse to stoop to such a level as those who would play the cowards role and stand behind others. I have no qualms with fighting for what I believe in, nor do I have any qualms with dieing for those causes and the people that are important to me. We call ourselves witches. We take up the mantle of wisdom and learning, yet many of us act with the same ignorance and use the same tactics as those who would murder us. To do this is to prove that we are no better nor are we any wiser than they are. And to thus prove ourselves unworthy of the title Magus. It saddens me to see that many of those who call themselves Pagan, Witch and/or Magus will willingly walk down the same path of those who would harass and murder us. If we are to prove ourselves wise and to truly take up the mantle that we strive for, we must be above such things and beyond them. Else, we are no better than those who would use such tactics against us. If this world is to become a better place. One where we can live openly in peace with all others, such garbage among our own community must be stopped. I have stood against bullying in all its forms. And I will do so until my dieing day. Not for my sake. But for the sake of the world that I would leave for my children. Every day I strive to make our world better and to teach the wisdom that twenty years of practice as a witch has taught me. To see us moving backwards instead of forwards in this hurts more than I can say. We must be better. As a community, we must strive to stand against this garbage. Otherwise, we are no better than those who would drive our paths to extinction. History shows us the folly of the bullys path. We must learn from it or we condemn not only ourselves, but our children and our grandchildren to live in this same world. Can you live with knowing that you chose that fate for those who will follow you? I can not. I will not. I will stand against it til my dieing day. Not for my sake, but for the sake of those who would come after me. For the future that I hope to see. Each of us must decide our path. And it is up to each of us to choose where we stand. No one can make that choice for you. As someone who has taught, and who strives to lead by example, I can only show you what I have learned and how I am. I love the work that I do. I enjoy sharing and learning here. But this garbage of pagans attacking and harassing others out of simple desire to feel better about themselves makes it hard for me to find the enthusiasm to teach has I have. It angers me beyond measure and makes me want to just walk away from here. I push forward because of the hope, dim that it is at times that what I am doing makes a difference. And that my example helps others see not what the world is, but the beautiful place that we can make it. Rant over. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Drathvo Sahil. Adept of the Vrathon
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:05:36 +0000

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