I had just finished with an intensive three (3) day speaking - TopicsExpress


I had just finished with an intensive three (3) day speaking engagement in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria with my wife and baby. God was so faithful in that the conference went so well and we were taken by our host to a restaurant just to relax a bit before catching up with our flight. It was celebration time as we ate, drank and chatted on the successful proceedings of the meeting. While all this was going on, I would look at my watch and say to myself, we still have time so we relaxed a bit more, and then a bit more, till… Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was supposed to have been at the airport 2hours to departure. This was already about 90mins to departure and the airport was an hour drive away. We rushed, drove at top speed. Indeed, we hurried but it was too late. By the time we got to the airport, we saw the plane but the stair way was being withdrawn and its door shut. We rushed to beg the authorities but it was too late, we only watched the plane mounting into the air. By the time I was told the cost implication of a rescheduled flight for the three of us, it dawned more on me that Indeed!! I had relaxed wrongly! I felt like Un-relaxing all the “little more relax” but it was over! We drove back about an hour drive to the hotel for which another night had to be paid for, and as we entered the room, I hated sleep. I felt like either rewinding or fast forwarding the time. I even consoled myself with the thought of “May be something was going to happen to the plane”… but by the evening of that day, I eagerly watched out for the national news and affirmed that the plane had landed safely. So it became clearer that I was the one, moreover, the cost of that little more relax totaled fifty thousand naira (i.e about $300). The cash was paid, I almost cried but I had learnt my lesson. It was all my fault… I gave in to a little more relax! Prov. 6:10 and Prov.24:33 said it perfectly , word for word: “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep … so shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man…” Relaxing at the wrong time is one of the most dangerous life wasting and destiny crushing attitudes and unfortunately it happens mostly after a major success. It seems like it is natural to the human nature to relax and create room for some celebrating pleasure after each remarkable breakthrough. Unfortunately this is the time to quickly re-fire so as to establish the victory as a permanent one. 2 Kings 13:19 - And the man of God was angry with him and said, You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Syria until you had destroyed it. But now you shall strike Syria down only three times (AMP). While your season of advance is still shinning, while you are young… write another proposal today! Start that Phd programme right NOW! Give birth to that second child! Embark on another building project before the season is over! Start writing the next book! Do that second exam now! … A little relax in-between may be the author of your poverty! Many people never completed these exams eventually, because of this little “relax”. I know you have just made a huge investment, start another one now… a little rest at this time may be the most unfortunate decision you’ve ever taken. Did you just strike a major deal with so much profit? Before you book that celebrating pleasure trip to Dubai, you better bend down to initiate other plans to strike another one quick before the season is over instead of spending the better half of the divine season enjoying the first deal… it’s this kind of success that has led to the collapse of many businesses… they gave in… to a little relax! That devilish subtle voice that steals divine moments to strike, converting it to dangerous moments of pleasure is what led David to sleeping with his best soldier’s wife and killing the man in cold blood. That terrible relax after a very intensive spiritual exercise (e.g praying and fasting), has led to the entanglement of many of God’s great generals in sins that even unbelievers
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:17:59 +0000

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