I had the most wonderful and heart-warming experience on my way to - TopicsExpress


I had the most wonderful and heart-warming experience on my way to work this morning. This is long, but bear with me: As with most of us, I saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road with his thumb out along the highway (HWY 231 from Dothan to Ozark). Again, as with most of us, I changed lanes to avoid him and zoomed past him. Almost immediately as I passed by him, Holy Spirit said to me, turn back and get him... so obediently, I did just that. I found a break in the median and turned to go get him (thinking first, as most would, what if this guy is a lunatic but then I quickly realized that God did not give us the spirit of fear!) I asked, Where ya headed (in my now committed southern drawl). He replied - Im going to Tuskegee. I replied, Im only going as far as Ozark from here, but it will save you a few steps. He hopped in gladly and threw his bags into the back seat. Then, there in my front seat sat a scratchy, scruffy pale white gentleman in his late 30s with a long reddish beard and safari hat; but who spoke with the most amazing clarity and intelligence. We quickly struck up a conversation that was the most pleasant Ive had in a LONG time. I learned that he was Canadian but recently quit his job with no family ties (no wife or children) and felt the Lord sent him to just go and see the world, meet Gods people and enjoy life away from a cubicle ... so hed chosen to do so on foot. Howd you get this far south and why I asked. He responded that he was returning from the Florida Keys and while there, heard through the television station Bounce (an African American counterpart to BET) of Tuskegee Universitys football team and he fell in love with their story and wanted to pay homage by visiting this Historically Black College. (Hed not heard of the Red Tails flying aces story so I filled him in as he looked in fascination.) On we went like two old buddies - as he spoke and taught me things about Canada and the hidden racial plights they have and I taught him things as well (all in the space of only the few miles we were covering). When I dropped him back off - I exclaimed jokingly, Be careful Erin... there are crazy people out here! His reply may not mean much to some, but it set me free... Darnell, he said (surprised that he remembered my name), No country has the market cornered on Crazy he retorted back to me with a huge grin. I thank God for being obedient to His voice - and to know that there are wonderful people yet left in this world who may not LOOK LIKE ME or live the life I feel is normal but they are His all the same and have much to contribute to this earth! #obedienceisbetterthansacrifice
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 16:24:44 +0000

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