I hate the hypocrisy of this GODLESS country. Everyone has gotten - TopicsExpress


I hate the hypocrisy of this GODLESS country. Everyone has gotten so sensitive to petty name calling and slurring and all that... Especially in the LBGT community. Things being forced down our throats here, and shoved up our @sses there... All the things happening in the news about black this and white that, people focusing on the wrong things, being led to believe and fight for the unimportant in order to shield whats really important... things we should really fight for has been ignored for so long no one knows who they really are inside as individuals, so we try to be like whoever is the hottest on TV... the fact is that we are all guilty of something, and victims of something else. If we can all realize and acknowledge our own bull$h!t, and mind our own business, we can move forward as human beings. The issue with that is we are all so busy trying to be, but we never try to #DO. We need to stop looking for leaders, and start leading. Stop looking outward for solutions and resolve from within, because that is where thee issues lye, deep down, so deep that by the time you bring it to the surface it is covered in excuses. I am thankful that we have progressed a great distance, but we are still so behind that people still walk around sagging and showing their behinds. Our music is compromised. Our education is compromised. Our way of life is compromised. Our beliefs are compromised. Our history is destroyed. But not many of us even care. As long as we can pay our bills and still be able to afford the latest smartphone and hit the club every week life is good, thus the self-serving, self-centered photos of ourselves every time we get a new hairstyle, a new outfit, a new bottle of liquor, another meal, a new car, dudes still taking photos of their money, and then post immediately afterwards that they got robbed... I havent seen anyone post a good book they read in a long time. I havent seen much positivity being shared... I do love to see posts of our beautiful children doing beautiful things, but it gets overshadowed by people posting their children doing horrible things, people being mistreated, people mistreating themselves, and all we do is like it or comment... is this all we have to offer to the universe, a like, and a comment? where is this change supposed to come from? A couple of sentences back I realize that we are observing the birthday of a great man. I would much rather have him here than what is left, after he was taken from us. Malcolm as well, and Marcus, and Michael Jackson, and Jesus, and Moses, and Noah, and many others. Because since they have been gone, many of us have neither learned nor have we earned our place here on Earth. Instead of us building our own, having our own, supporting our own, we spend so much energy trying to be included with them, equal with them, compromising us in the process... The truth is we are NOT equal. We were never meant to be, at least in the beginning. We were once better. but now we are being exploited and mistreated. They do it to us, and we do it to ourselves. If we did not do it to ourselves, they would not even think that they could do us like this. Everything is being placed under a microscope, but yet websites like chimpout are allowed to run without notice. If this website was derogatory towards the LGBT, it would have been shut down a very long time ago. But like Micheal Jackson said, they dont really care about us. Not in a good way. They hate us. They fear us. They are jealous of our beauty, our grace, our wisdom, our levels of peace and tranquility, our athleticism, our passion, how we love each other, and so on and so forth. But we have sold our souls for equality, and to this day, they use our souls, to destroy our spirit. But until we see for ourselves that all we have is each other, that we have the power to create any reality we choose, everything that our ancestors fought for will go in vain. I hope this little rant of mine resonates with someone. Either way, this website must come down.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 20:37:06 +0000

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