I have a few issues with the news. 1. They dont explain what is - TopicsExpress


I have a few issues with the news. 1. They dont explain what is going on, you see these images of fires and rioting. They say something like there was unrest in Egypt, then it cuts to a commercial when they get back they jump to a new story. 2. They report things that did not happen or happened differently than was reported. For instance Justin Bieber was reported as DRAG racing in Miami. The GPS in the car proved he was driving at normal speed. 3. They make news stories that are not important. Justin is in the news. He is just a 19 year old kid who has acted up a bit. This is not a news story. 4. They spend too much time on the weather. People dont need all the maps with colors and a person going on and on regarding cold fronts all this other crap. People want to know is it raining, snowing , or nice out. 6. The networks change the staff too much. When I was growing up, they had newscasters that everyone new and trusted: Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Harry Reasoner. 7. They talk too fast now. It is rapid fire news. The intro for the news is a bunch of stories mixed together, it is confusing and upsetting. 8. They will repeat the most horrible stories everyday, until a new horrific event happens. When a particularly horrible event happens like; Sandy Hook, they will keep revisiting the story. They act like they are doing you a favor by going back and telling you more sad things about what happened. Normal people celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and that type of thing. The news has the anniversary of various deaths and killings. 9. The newscasters are forced to read off a teleprompter, and the biggest issue is to hurry up so the commercials will air on time. 10. My other issue, commercials used to air before and after the news. Now, in an effort to make more money, more commercials are aired in the middle of the news stories. It was better to have commercials air before and after a program, not during the program. This issue is with news and every program.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 06:51:01 +0000

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