I have a past life as a running addict. My addiction, however, - TopicsExpress


I have a past life as a running addict. My addiction, however, was about finding and maintaining my identity in being a runner. I loved the attention, the prejudice associated with the sport, and people’s wonderment when I’d casually mention “I ran 15 miles this morning.” It was the image I wanted for myself. Determined, in-shape, lean, and confident. The more I ran, the closer I thought I got to that reality. Overtime, I continually had to increase my “dose” to feel fulfilled, and I was only as good as my last long run. And then, it all caught up with me. I ran myself strait into a tall brick wall called overtraining. My adrenals were shot, I was dependent on carbohydrates and sugar, sick all the time, emotionally a wreck, and I had a magnitude of injuries – one which sidelined me for over a year. Perhaps the most major biomechanical weakness I had was in my hips. Coming back from injury - I decided things had to change, and it started with my functional strength. My first day at a gym that specialized in functional movements was a nightmare. I couldnt even do a walking lunge, much less an air squat. It took me well over a year to be able to develop the ability just to a full-depth air squat (with no weight) - and to this day, its still something I struggle to build power in. If youre lacking in areas you want to be strong, you can most definitely get there. Even the most broken of bodies has the potential to do more. I absolutely LOVE this video from Gymnastics WOD that gives you baby steps as to how to progress yourself to a successful air squat. Watch, learn, move, accomplish. --> youtu.be/2MqWbj1wbhE
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:30:01 +0000

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