I have already addressed this but some people are going to keep - TopicsExpress


I have already addressed this but some people are going to keep repeating things that are not true regardless. I will say this once again. OSAMA BIN LADEN was never a CIA agent. That is stupid. Osama Bin Laden was a leader of the Mujadeen who were freedom fighters covertly funded by the CIA - to the tune of who knows how many billions funneled through a figurative postage stamp - wherein the CIA armed the Mujadeen as mercenary fighters to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan; and in effect several administrations (Reagan and Bush) through Charlie Wilson (see the film by Participant Productions, Charlie Wilsons War, all of the articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, etc. around the time of the release of the film - roughly 10 years ago - which attest to the facts and in which CIA and other spokespeople ackowledge that the U.S. did in fact conduct a covert war in Afghanistan throughtout the 1980s, that the U.S. did fund the Mujadeen, Osama Bin Laden amongst them, and that the film is 85 percent true.) There is nothing new about this. In fact, the defeat of the USSR in Afganistan is one of the things that largely contributed to the breakup of the USSR. It is also true that then the U.S. never acknowledged that it had conducted this covert war, that we just got up and left, we stopped arming Osama Bin Laden and his cohorts, and left them just sitting there without muh else to do other than figure out how to attack the Great Satan. IT IS COMPLETELY UNTRUE AND ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS TO SAY THAT OSAMA BIN LADEN WAS EVER A CIA AGENT. PERIOD. A MERCENTARY PAID BY THE CIA, yes. AN AGENT, no. NOW as for the percentage of Americans who are unfamiliar with this, that is a matter of speculation but I am willing to bet that it is at least 80 percent. The average American who has not actually served in Afghanistan or had a loved one serve there is not likely to be able to even point it out on the globe or to explain to you what it is about Afghanistan (and/or Pakistan) that is of great strategic importance. Probably much greater than one would normally be inclined to think. For that matter, the average American is unable to identify every country on a map of the Middle East North Africa - let alone the East and South East Asia, or Africa. They cannot tell you what is the capitol of what and have no idea nor do they have any interest in learning anything about these areas - the peoples who inhabit them - or their long, colorful, and in many ways much more advanced civilizations than ours. The average American is more educated than any generation in history but more self-indulgent and more narcissistic than is almost comprehensible and could give a rats arse about these very complex details. Even more alarming, a recent study showed that more than 3/4 of average Americans were unable to name all 50 states or show you where they were on a map; many believed Puerto Rico was a communist country; and an even higher percentage were unable to correctly associate states and state capitols even 25 percent of the time. A shockingingly high percentage did not even know here were 50 states and many thought that Washington, DC was a state. A very high percentage was unable to tell you what bicameral means or how it is we have a bicameral legislature. Just ask them to recite the names of all the Presidents in order (forget the Vice Presidents) and you wil be amazed at the intellectual capacity of the average American. Ask them what year an armistice was reached with the British in the War of 1812 and whether the British burnt Washington, DC to the ground and you are apt to learn some other new and completely bogus historical facts pronto. So much for this nonsense. IF YOU ARE GOING TO REPORT OLD STORIES LIKE THIS ONE, YOU AT LEAST HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO WITH INTEGRITY. Next thing you know 97 percent of average Americans will know that Osama Bin Laden not only sas a CIA agent but was a member of the Illuminati (code word for complete and total bullsh*t; researcher or historian does not have a clue what he or she is talking about ...). No doubt Osama Bin Laden wrote The DaVinci Code ... Please: bullshit is bullshit.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 10:10:48 +0000

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