I have been following Rumis work for a long time. His grasp of - TopicsExpress


I have been following Rumis work for a long time. His grasp of reality and critical thinking was simply commendable. Truth be told, truth comes in a variety of shades; it is not simply black and white. Why? Because it is dependent on maturity associated with an ability to use own mind. Not everyone uses mind to search for truth through awareness. Majority do not even use 5% of their minds to expand their horizon and continue following the beaten down track inherited by their parents and ancestors. Its just like reading newspapers which was published 100 years ago and start believing that news as what happened in last 24 hours. The 7th century individuals and the committee of scholars in the 3rd Ottoman Caliph used to produce Muslim scriptures were based on their limited awareness of the universe. The universe is constantly expanding and obviously it is a dynamic system. So what was true then is no longer true now. The mankind has made major discoveries by those skilled in using mind related creativity, innovations, etc and they have gifted us major advances in our understanding of truth. We can now - with internet - instantly communicate all across the world; this is one of the latest discoveries. We also understand that everyone has an ego; only a child has pure ego before she/he is exposed to what is around her/him. The child starts developing ego based on his/her exposures and it is a giant task for everyone, should they want it to work hard to attain highest level of spirituality and awareness, the two states that are ego free. We also understand that pure awareness and spirituality can be attained through meditation, critical thinking, constant learning, de-learning, re-learning, reading, analyzing and other such demanding tasks by concentration and focusing on the tasks at hand. Think of awareness or cognition. For relatively immature people there is one level of awareness called contracted awareness as it is simply based on a very limited knowledge basically inherited by their parents and ancestors. Relatively immature people have yet to develop ability or skills to use mind. Once they start using mind they start transitioning from relatively immature to mature person simply by expanding awareness. Depending on the level of maturity the expanded awareness can be at various levels of limitations. The final level to attain maturity requires a person to be ego-free. Once ego free one has attained spirituality, true peace, contentment, tranquility and happiness.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:45:42 +0000

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