I have been given the number 10, so, I will tell you 10 - TopicsExpress


I have been given the number 10, so, I will tell you 10 (interesting-haha ! - we will just call them random I think !) things about myself. Like this and I will give you a number; 1. Nearly all (we are talking 99%) of the photographs people take of me I have my eyes closed, I am the female version of My Name is Earl. 2. I have met Keanu Reeves the actor and we had a lengthy 15 minute conversation about Australia, he asked me for tourist locations he should visit. 3. I have never driven to Perth (ever!!) until last weekend. I have always had my hubby or sister drive me, but as crazy as it sounds I drove solo to Perth all by myself --> huge tick of my bucket list LOL ! 4. I use to carry a Smith and Wesson handgun (revolver) for 15 years as part of my job, and yes I did know how to use it. 5. I hate bullies .. anyone who knows me or has ever known me will know this fact. 6. My favourite movie is Toy Story 3, I still cry every time at the end ever though I have seen the movie like 400 trillion times. 7. I worked for a Frosty Boy Icecream van in Kalgoorlie when I was a teenager, but I got the sack because I use to overfill the icecream cones ! 8. I once nearly lost my life when travelling overseas walking on a frozen lake, my husband saved me. 9. I hate snakes, one week before giving birth to Tyler my son I came out of my shower and was stuck in a room with a snake !! I had to make a rescue call from our bedroom ... Not a pretty sight for the rescue team being Lewie, my dad and the snake catching dude ! 10. I am in love with Hamish and Andy they make me crack up, I have told my husband that I will leave him if they take me but both of them must want me not just one of them ---> yeah I think hes pretty safe there!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 10:16:12 +0000

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