I have been needing to say this for a few days but yet my mind - TopicsExpress


I have been needing to say this for a few days but yet my mind wouldnt let me. Now I know why...so more events can happen to add what needs to be expressed. Things occur and its human nature to think about those situations in a negative way all too often...not realizing that theyre a blessing in disguise to either you, someone else...or u and someine else. If u pay close attention you will be able to see it when it happens. Every min of everyday is very important people. Things go wrong...not bcuz theyre not meant to happen that way...but because the timing is ALWAYS right. If your life seems to be crumbling before your eyes..my suggestion to u is let it crumble. Ride with it. Its not bcuz God doesnt love or because He hates u.. its because you need this to happen to overcome your flaws.. or the flaws you invite into your life. If your complaints are where your placed at that moment..ride with it. Bcuz as your sitting there getting that experience... shortly after someone will cross your path that you can feed that knowledge to. You never know...they may be broken and need to hear those words. If youve felt like youve put everything into that person or where your placed and something negative comes your way...smile anyway. That person may need the love u share or the smile u give to uplift themselves...or maybe.. where your placed needs your presence of positivity and/or is preparing you for something even greater...but you are just being tested by God to receive those blessings. When or if that happens do not get discouraged..and do not lose faith. Self-evaluate...self reflect. At that very moment is almost always the perfect time to see what u can improve on. Touchy subject to some but even if a loved one somehow passes away...yes it is hurtful but something great may come out of it. A family member may be so broken that they choose to receive life change. So remember the blessing to come. Remember friends...when LIFE has its turns..Rejoice. When life has its negative turns make adjustments. Change your way of thinking, change your way of doing, and change your way of choosing. Everything we face..even when its stressful...is for the very best and instead of thinking why...be thanking just because.... #BlessingsInDisguise
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:16:41 +0000

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