I have been noticing a movement in the world, as more Jews become - TopicsExpress


I have been noticing a movement in the world, as more Jews become believers in Christ and also in Christians of this world. People love their rituals!!!!! Rather than just naturally being with God they have to do all those things Jesus said NOT TO DO. For example, I met a number of christians who are beginning to celebrate the old rituals like Passover and killing a lamb and putting the blood on the doorpost. Many are insisting its Yeshua and not Jesus. The wearing of blue stripes on their white prayer shawls and long and repetitious prayers. Ive also seen a new fad of bowing to each other, and calling others your reverend or priest or any number of names that makes one higher than their brother. They parade their knowledge and understanding as if somehow they are closer to God. A ritual, will never get you into communion with the Father. Thinking you are above someone else is in itself separating you from communion. So many people look to the flesh and say the Jews are the chosen people and yet Jesus called those Jews who didnt believe in Him children of the devil. Many call themselves Christians and say I just love Jesus but HE said those who love me keep my commandments. Those who continue to say Im a sinner are in fact continuing in their disobedience. Amen told me one time... the only people who are going to make it through the tribulations are those who run when I say run and duck when I say duck
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:05:20 +0000

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