I have been quiet during this Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman - TopicsExpress


I have been quiet during this Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman trial. I listen and read all the comments good and bad. Now I am going to speak. This whole thing has been blown out of proportion. It never should have come to this. This whole thing was about a GROWN MAN (28yo) attacking a 17yo resulting in the young man’s death PERIOD. It wouldn’t matter if they were both the same race. If a teacher, does anything like this (I.E. trying to break up a fight or something; which is a lot more aggressive than the way Trayvon was portrayed .) He would have been fired, arrested, a THOUROGH investigating would have been done and he would have received some type of punishment. Now taking a deeper look at it, you now have ALL parties involved benefiting from the demise of this child. GZ has more protection than the President; The Jurors are gonna get book deals, paid speaking engagements, etc, etc; the Prosecution and Defense have had their 15 minutes of fame; which I promise will fatten their pockets; Every PT Civil rights Leader will be in front a camera talking about this is a sad day in Black history. But the fact of the matter is it has ALWAYS been a sad day in US History. The countries name itself has been tainted. UNITED STATES? WHERE? On a Map, YES. Other then that ,No. The last time this country was truly UNITED was 9-11, even then it was short lived. I look how this one incident caused such a riff. I think why is anybody in an uproar about racism. My grandmother says”A hurt dog will holler.” And with all the rallies and protest, She was right. I know some Black people are gonna have something to say about this, So I will address that first. How can we do ALL this marching and protesting and anti government when We kill each other by the boatloads, Promote killing each other In the music we listen to, and discourage people from doing the right thing (SNITCHES GET STITCHES). I remember an old gospel song that said SWEEP AROUND YOUR OWN FRONT DOOR BEFORE YOU TRY TO SWEEP AROUND MINE. I feel that suits us as black people. Until we stop killing each other like animals for money and other stuff, we cant get mad cause another race follows suit. Don’t say it cant be don’t either. Two of the ORIGINAL gangs called a truce (Bloods and Crips) to help up lift the community. Top Gang member Stan “Tookie”Williams got a Nobel Peace Prize, so it can be done. Every one of us know/knew someone who did “Dirt” and said nothing. This makes us as guilty as George Zimmerman. Until we go to the ones killing our kids by the hundreds in a weekend and get them to commit to the cause, we are spinning wheels. Now the other races, the fact that you are fighting so hard to prove it is NOT about race, show it is. Some of the comments ive read from you guys are funny and some disturbing. Some have said he got what he deserved. If that is the case then, so did you; when you lose your job to another race. When your children disown you for the other race she brings home, etc, etc. You claim to be the more civil race, but don’t act like it. I say you don’t act like it because you do things, then hide behind the law. You say things, then hide behind the constitution, but when the roles are reversed, you say the other group of people are whining and complaining. Sadly, no one will see their faults and point fingers at the other one instead of coming to a the table and figuring out how to make the UNITED STATES UNITED again. Oh by the way, before you attack me, let me tell you this. I lived around all races and I will tell you I was discriminated against by everyone. YET I still defend this country from enemies foreign and domestic.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:33:55 +0000

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