I have been reading U.S. Supreme Court Cases about womens rights - TopicsExpress


I have been reading U.S. Supreme Court Cases about womens rights and I found one that shakes me to my very core. Buck v. Bell (1927), a young woman, by the name of Carrie Buck, received forced sterilization because they deemed her to be of feeble mind. Carrie was raped at 17 and got pregnant from the rape, and her foster parents committed her to the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded on the grounds of feeblemindedness, incorrigible behavior and promiscuity. She had the baby and the baby was adopted. After that she was forcibly sterilized because Carries mother was involved with prostitution, the Court accepted, without evidence, that Carrie and her mother were promiscuous and that the three generations of Bucks shared the genetic trait of feeblemindedness. Thus, it was in the states best interest to have Carrie Buck sterilized. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and the court ruled that Carries constitutional rights were not violated. Get this, the case was never overturned. I think that is just horrible. Dont get me wrong, Im 100% pro-choice, pro-birth control, and I think if people who have genetic problems, shouldnt have biological children, if they are at high risk for giving their child a genetic condition. BUT IT MUST BE A PERSONAL CHOICE. Just as it is wrong for the government to take away a womans right to choose, it is just as wrong to sterilize her against her will. Somebody in congress should make force sterilization against the law. What do you think?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:31:30 +0000

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