I have been thinking a lot about Goju Ryu style lately mainly to - TopicsExpress


I have been thinking a lot about Goju Ryu style lately mainly to do with the maai ( mid-distance vs close quarter ) and then Shihan Kousaku Yokota posted and great introduction on Goju Ryu on his wall. I asked him if he could share it in this group too - he said it can be shared, but I assume he is too modest to be posting it directly here - Shihan Yokota I hope you dont mind I post your research here? This is entirely his work; By Shihan Kausaku Yokota: Today I will cover Goju ryu 剛柔流. Many shotokan practitioners already know about this style and some may have practiced or are practicing right now. There are many books on this style so I will share only the basic matters of this well known ryu-ha. Goju-ru is one of the major 4 karate styels in both Japan and Okinawa. The other major styles in the traditional karate are Shotokan, Shito-ryu and Wado-ryu. Though it is commonly believed that the name of Goju-ryu was created by its founder, Miyagi Chojun 宮城長順 (1888 - 1953) but interestingly it was originally named by one of this top students, Shinzato Jinan 新里仁安 (1901~1945) in 1929. Miyagi later on approved it and Goju-ryu became the official name of his style. Goju-ryu is the representing style of Naha-te. Miyagi combined the teachings from his master Higaonna Kanryo 東恩納 寛量 (1853 – 1915) and some of his own modifications (improvements?). Kanryo was also known as Higashionna “West as there was another master by the name of Higaonna Kanyu 東恩納寛裕 (1849-1922), Higaonna “East”. These two are often confused but Miyagi learned from Higaonna Kanryo or “West”. According to Wikipedia, Goju-ryu features a combination of hard and soft techniques thus the name of Goju (literally means “hard” and “soft”). Both principles, hard and soft, come from the famous martial arts book used by Okinawan masters during the 19th and 20th centuries, the Bujishi 武備誌. Go 剛, which means hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks. On the other hand, Ju 柔 soft, refers to open hand techniques and circular movements. Goju-ryu incorporates both circular and linear movements into its curriculum, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including locks, grappling, takedowns and throws. Major emphasis is given to breathing correctly in all of the katas but particularly in the Sanchin kata which is one of two core katas. The second kata is Tensho, meaning circuling open hands and this kata is to teach the soft style of the system. Goju-ryu practices methods using various weights and tools that include body strengthening and conditioning, its basic approach to fighting (distance, stickiness, power generation, etc.), and partner drills. Goju-ryus 12 katas are Gekisai (1 & 2), Saifa, Seienchin, Seisan, Saifa, Shisochin, Sanseiru, Kururunfa, Sanchin, Tensho and Suparinpei. Wikipedia page for the detailed information on Goju-ryu: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gōjū-ryū Miyagi Chojun 宮城 長順: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chōjun_Miyagi Higaonna Kanryo: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higaonna_Kanryō Higaonna Kanyu東恩納寛裕 (1849-1922) Higaonna East en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higaonna_Kanryu The following organizations belong to Okinawa Goju-ryu group according to Okinawa Dento Karatedo Koshinkai: 剛柔流系 沖縄剛柔流空手道協会 沖縄空手道剛柔会 沖縄国際空手道正道館 沖縄剛柔流・泊手空手道協会 琉球国技会空手道剛柔流 国際沖縄剛柔流空手道連盟 国際明武舘剛柔流空手道連盟 剛柔流国際空手古武道連盟 琉球空手道剛柔流興武會 沖縄昭霊武術協會 沖縄空手道剛柔流 剛柔流拳志会 剛柔流尚禮会 剛柔流空手道剛勇会 沖縄剛柔流秀武舘 鶴法館剛柔流空手道振興会 沖縄空手道拳法会 沖縄空手道剛柔流誠武会 沖縄空手道剛柔流連盟 In addition, I should note that other than these organizations of Okinawa Goju-ryu, a major group evolved in the mainland Japan which is supposed to be different from the Okinawan Goju-ryu karate. Zen Nihon Karatedo Renmei Gojukai 全日本空手道連盟剛柔会 founded in 1950 by famous Gogen Yamaguchi. I will not go into the differentiation between this group and the Okinawan Goju-ryu as my purpose is to provide a general information. If you are interested in learning more about this organization I will list an URL of Gojukai home page (in English): karatedo.co.jp/goju-ryu/english/e_index.html I will share several video clips that are representing Goju-ryu techniques and katas below but there are many other interesting and educational videos of this style that are available if you search. “Way of the Warrior”, Morio Higaonna and Goju-ryu documentary video: https://youtube/watch?v=Ly-UbDxBBgQ Sanchin https://youtube/watch?v=J9YLBYTsS-Y Tensho https://youtube/watch?v=2H4NY7YVFLE Sanchin and Tensho techniques explanation (Japanese): https://youtube/watch?v=kJeOfQhhRvY Sepai and bunkai https://youtube/watch?v=yd0ewTmL9m8 Seisan https://youtube/watch?v=FwuPtQ24iBI Suparinpei by Morio Higaonna: https://youtube/watch?v=fSPAoHs1rsk Story on Gogen (the Cat) Yamaguchi : https://youtube/watch?v=rmR9cyNmU-8 Very rare pre WWII video of Goju-ryu training for your interest: https://youtube/watch?v=RU3SX2ZfTUA&feature=player_embedded Were they interesting to you?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:39:49 +0000

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