I have been thinking about our bombing of the ISIS targets within - TopicsExpress


I have been thinking about our bombing of the ISIS targets within Iraq and Syria and President Obama’s statement that ISIS is really more of a Junior Varsity Squad. As I thought about those two thoughts it dawned on me that it was President Obama’s plan that was Junior League. Here is why. First, the President walked away from Iraq without any real negotiating of a stay behind agreement. Second, the President drew a line in the sand with Syria and then he back down. Third, ISIS declared War on the Untied States. Then ISIS beheads two of our citizens and is now about to behead a 26 year old former Army Ranger. Fourth, we tell ISIS that we are not at War with them that it is only a defensive intervention and that we will only bomb them but will not use our ground troops to drive them out. Fifth, we get some Arab countries to fly a few bombing runs with our military force and we call it a coalition. Sixth, we announce that this will degrade and shrink ISIS and that over time it will destroy then as Iraq and freedom fighters in Syria become the ground troops. Seventh, Joe Biden makes several ill timed and badly framed comments that then forced him to call various heads of States to apologize. Eighth, the Kurds who are supportive of the United States are now loosing ground and needed our massive air and bombing power… What they got instead was five bomb drops that killed members of ISIS in a few Toyota trucks while ISIS overruns yet another city. So why is this Junior League? Why is it that we are instead the JV Squad? First, the President refused the advice of his advisors and didn’t want to see the vacuum that would be in left in Iraq by leaving before Iraq was ready to defend its own boarders. Never end anything before you finish the job. Second, the President backing down after drawing a red line demonstrated to very dangerous enemies that his warnings are without merit. Never draw a line in the sand that you are not willing to stand behind. Third, the President denies we are at war with a group that is at war with us. Never assume because you change the words of your opponent that that somehow lessens their convictions. Fourth, the President states that we are going to weaken them, then a week later says we are going to destroy them but offers a plan that does neither. Never tell your enemy what you are not going to do when they claim that they are at war. Fifth, five countries is not a wide coalition and committing to the very minimum bombing runs of what you are going to do is proof you will never win Sixth, the President announces that our ground troops are the Iraq’s who ran off the battle field and Syrian Freedom Fighters who the President mocked a few months back of being incapable to wage any meaningful battle. Never bet on a hand that you just proved was a loosing hand. Seventh, it is a fact that Joe Biden should be seen and never heard. Never use a clown to speak on your behalf to your enemies as it will never turn out good for you. Eighth, when your friends are doing the heavy lifting for you then support them completely. Never do the minimum when the maximum is required. The President was right there is a JV team out on the field. The only problem is he turned us into the JV team… He was also right we are not exceptional Nation, he is living proof of his own words his actions, his thinking and reasoning that has in fact insured our total and complete lack of exceptionalism! Once the greatest nation on earth, America has in six short years, been reduced to being completely irrelevant on the world stage! Now that is what being junior league looks and feels like… Just saying!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:43:16 +0000

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