I have been waiting patiently for weeks to be able to share - TopicsExpress


I have been waiting patiently for weeks to be able to share information regarding the tragic death of Maru. Based on information given to her family the night her body was recovered, we believed the mention of Maru being in the stolen vehicle was omitted from the police report. Today we received a copy of the report which confirmed, there was indeed NO MENTION of a dog being in the vehicle! To add insult to injury we also discovered it is NOT police procedure or policy to list personal property in a stolen vehicle report, it would be the decision of the officer making the report to list any property in the vehicle and since penal code 491 states dogs are personal property Maru would fall into this category. I do not wish to vilify the LAPD or the officer who made the report, it is my wish to bring awareness to this tragic and senseless crime in order to affect change. How a living, breathing animal could be left out of a stolen vehicle report is beyond my comprehension but it happened. I am angry, sad, disappointed and frustrated. Maru may be alive today if this one little detail had been in the report! Danny Fis, Marus killer, is still in jail. He was in court last week with his public defender asking for a continuance so that they may have time to assess his mental state, blah, blah, blah. It is highly likely all this criminal is going to get is probation plus time spent in county jail but how do you keep track of transient on probation? So essentially he could be returned to the streets to commit more crimes. Under Gov. Jerry Browns realignment plan arc.asm.ca.gov/cacrimewatch/?p=realignment (which took effect a year ago) animal abusers if convicted and sentenced to state prison do NOT do their time in prison, they are instead sent to county jail and due to over crowding the time is usually cut in half. ANGRY, SAD, DISAPPOINTED AND FRUSTRATED!!!!!! Now that the facts are known, my energy will turn toward getting the MARUS LAW petition completed and moving forward with awareness and try to get some changes made. Until animals are seen as more then personal property animal abusers will continue to get away with their crimes. I don’t know how successful I will be, it will be a long road, I will need YOUR support but what I do know for sure is I will not sit back and do nothing!!!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 05:16:49 +0000

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