I have come to the conclusion that the predominant majority of - TopicsExpress


I have come to the conclusion that the predominant majority of authors and creators of videos & information about the Illuminati influence on Hollywood & Pop Culture are fundamentalist Christians. The creator of Vigilant Citizen is a Christian. (presumably fundamentalist) I finally discovered this yesterday when I was doing some research on David Blaines spiritual beliefs (which I could not find) - but what I did find was a lot of writings online in forums by Christians in which they deemed him to be satanic and demonic. Which I just think is completely insane. In addition, satanic hand symbols referenced in pop culture videos - for example used by Michael Jackson, Beyoncé, etc... look glaringly similar to mudras depicted on Thangkas and Hindu artwork to me. A lot of fundamentalist Christians probably also think that paganism is satanic, Native American spirituality is satanic, shamanism is satanic, that entheogens are satanic, that Tantra is satanic, that Burning Man is satanic, that Hindu culture and Tibetan Buddhists are satanic.... My sense is that there is a lot of misinformation online about the Illuminati, and Im not buying it. Ive been doing my reading and research and trying to find something that doesnt look like absolute pure conjecture... something that is a convincing argument, but I am left utterly unconvinced every time. Im not saying that I dont believe there is an agenda of mind control and programming via pop culture & the media. I do. I just dont personally buy the argument that theyre Satanists.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:57:16 +0000

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