I have come to the point that what I am eating is boring me. I am - TopicsExpress


I have come to the point that what I am eating is boring me. I am eating very clean and healthy. Due to medical issues I have had to go gluten free. That really hasnt been a problem till this point. Its not that the food doesnt do what it should and that is providing a full balanced nutritious meal. That gives me energy and does not upset my body in any way. Id like to slowly start adding back some herbs and natural seasonings (they do have to be gf free its surprising where gluten can hide like in bagged shredded cheese to keep cheese dry and last longer) I know there are alot of things I can use that is gluten free. I actually perfer the gf all purpose flour then normal flour. Using substitutions is not the problem. The issue i am so used to fresh unfrozen unprocessed food. Not saying I dont freeze it myself. I havent completely figured out if its actually wheat I cant touch or the chemical process wheat goes through. Anyone have any clean eating recipes things that are highly nutritious and delicious. Things that will give me the energy I dont have enough of. One of my issues is I do not make enough adrenaline. Ive been of steroids for this. I tried reducing but its turns my brain to jello I get foggy brain an actual medical term. Then I make never ending whats it called runoff sentences. I am unable to get to the point and make it straight and simple. One of the the other things I am dealing with is Narcolepsy. I am taking uppers for that. I am on 2 different blood pressure meds. It seems without these i have more seziures i think it has something to do with the swelling at the base of my skull. One of the meds treats swelling/ excessive water in the body. The meds have helped dramatically. Especially if I dont bend over. If i bend over more then long or for more then just picking something off the ground. If i do this I will have a seziure. I no longer sleep 15-20 hours a day. I do have Hashimotos which my case is usually hyperthyroidism but I will drop down to hypo (kind of like a sugar crash) then I shot back up like a firecracker. I wish when happened I got a high of some kind. It does the difference. I down for a few days. Please dont take this as complaining I am someone who has to understand how things work and what things are. All I am doing is sharing information most like TMI but if anyone has the knowledge of what will benefit thyroid, adrenaline, narcolepsy, high blood pressure, and swelling like when pregnant. Its will be worth it. I am mainly asking what meals would benefit me. What fruits and veggies. I am at my best when I have a fruit smoothie and I mean more fruit like apple sauce blended till its a thick liquid. I add less then a 1/4 cup of each milk, OJ, Cranberry (or Cran Grape) Juice. Frozen fruit that is a 3rd of a banana some strawberries, blueberries, peaches, pineapple, mango. I also add Ice cubes that I have made from radishes, celery, beets, a little bit of green from baby spinah, Kale, and the other 3 baby lettuces not much salad usually whats in the bag that will go bad or i was no the correct texture but still good. I add a few drops of local honey to help with allergies. So with all the Information I have given does anyone have any recipes that will do the same as the smoothie does and that is feel great. I know part of it is the natural sugars from the almost 2 cups of fruit and other. It fits along with 3 ice cubes in the cups that come with the ninja. :) So please pass on what foods will help my situation. Please pass on any vegetarian meals that taste great. Any recipes that stay within a normal grocery budget I will extremely be grateful for. Foods that are not very spicy ( yes Scotty i am that white of a country girl) Hopefully I get things back in line I keep things short and simple. Love ya all and thanks for being patient with me. Thank you if you have gotten this far.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:11:45 +0000

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