I have encountered several folks lately that have heard - TopicsExpress


I have encountered several folks lately that have heard misinformation regarding a recent change in my life so I thought maybe if I post about it, I can help avoid the confusion. This past summer, I felt a crystal clear calling from God to focus on a particular area of ministry. I have had 2 distinctly different areas of ministries over the last many years. Teaching at the Methodist Preschool, and serving in various capacities in family ministries at Centerville Christian (my home church.) With this calling came a job opportunity to join the Family Ministries Staff at Centerville Christian. So, very sadly, I felt called to resign from teaching at CAC Preschool. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about that school and church. The memories are wonderful and the people, even better. But, as sad as I have been to close that door, Im very, very excited for the adventure God has called me into. I have so many things I felt called to expand and improve in the areas of CCC family ministries that I served in but lacked the extra time needed to invest as a volunteer. My hope is that now, as a staff person, God can use me even more in HIS amazing plan. I ask for your prayers, first for CAC Preschool and its wonderful new staff. I have no question that those ladies will serve many preschool families in awesome ways over the years. Its a tough job and they will need our prayers. (as anyone would) Second, I ask for prayers for the transition for me. No doubt, satan will do all he can to frustrate me and make me feel ill equipped. I love the fact that God made His path for me so clear so I can, with confidence, tell satan to take a hike. We have many, many lost people to reach and I want to be nothing but Gods hands, feet, and heart. I ask that your prayers will ask God to guide me clearly to serve Him and that every positive result will bring glory to God alone.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:06:36 +0000

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