I have, for the first time, just watched the movie Source Code. I - TopicsExpress


I have, for the first time, just watched the movie Source Code. I know that many of my FB Friends have suggested that this is a really itladian movie. On hearing the plot line I was in agreement. Indeed the movie suggested to me something more; plagiarism. In the late 1980s I wrote the synopsis of a novel entitled The Graeae. The central plot device involved a young man on a train who discovers, through a voice in his head, that there was a bomb on the train. His task was to try and stop the bomb going off. I placed the story on a train travelling from Manchester to London. He gets off the train at a station (Crewe) and the train continues on to have the bomb explode killing many people. The plot device I used was hypnotic regression as done by associates of mine such as Alan Bates. the concept was that regressing a person into a past life could involve entering the previous incarnations life at a crucial point ... For example just before their death. My idea was that if communication could be made with the past personality and that the hypnotist (located in the future of the last personality) could impart information to the past personality that could avert a disaster could that change the future perceived by the hypnotist? I applied the idea of Everetts Many Worlds Hypothesis. this is EXACTLY what the script writer of Source Code does. Indeed, in my opinion his plot lines are not as clever as my own in that we simply have a garbled reference to quantum physics in the movie, whereas I make direct reference to specific cases of past-life regressions whereby the last personality acknowledges the hypnotist as a voice in their head. the movie also places the action in Chicago rather than Manchester but the basis of the story is IDENTICAL. I sent this story synopsis to about half a dozen literary agents, all of whom rejected it. However in doing so I gave the plot away. Lo and behold, an uncannily similar plot appears in a blockbuster American movie many years later. Can I prove that I had this idea in the late 1980s? Yes, because I have the original typewritten synopsis that can be traced to a typewriter of that period (thanks you for this Jenny), and I also have the rejection letters from the literary agents. Now do I believe that somebody waited and then stole my idea? No, I dont. I believe that that this is a classic example of future memory feeding back into the subconscious of an earlier version of myself. Indeed in my book A Life of Philip K. Dick - The Man Who Remembered The Future I cite many examples in which Philip K. Dicks future self seemed to feedback to his earlier self plot devices and personal experiences that ended up in his books and short stories. Indeed, in Exegesis (book), PKD many times advocates that this was exactly what was happening in his life. Could it be that this is proof of my ITLAD/CTF model? That I have lived this life before and that last time I watched the movie Source Code on TV and it had such an effect on me that the memory remained sublimated until the late 1980s when I created an idea for a novel that incorporated the plot line? in the final analysis we have no way if knowing this, and even less chance of proving it. However for me this is yet another personal and subjective example of what is really going on ... Do I need to prove this to others? No I dont because, in the final analysis this is my Phaneron and it is my own learning experience ... And what I learn from it will, ultimately, define the lessons I learn from this run of my Bohmian IMAX .... I know that I will be accused of solipsism here ... But if we are all, as Bill Hicks stated, one entity experiencing itself subjectively then this is EXACTLY as it should be ....
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:33:21 +0000

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