I have noticed some people have unfollowed and voiced opposition - TopicsExpress


I have noticed some people have unfollowed and voiced opposition to my last posts about rape culture, Elliot Rodgers and the #yesallwomen movement. A lot of what I write is romantic poetry, articles on random acts of kindness, well being, self care, sisterhood-- you know, the rainbows, butterflies and feel goods of life. I am also an activist. I began to recognize myself as one when I began working coordinating fundraisers to support a group previously known as VWB, now known as GAAP who works in Central America to reduce street dog over population. An activist is someone who sees the pain in the world and instead of looking away uncomfortably, takes that awareness and drowns it with accountability to bring change. I saw stray animals through my travels, had my heart broken, picked up the pieces and channeled my pain into progress on a worldwide level. Activism is my way of holding the world accountable for its wrong & hate. It is why I engage passionately with all that sparks a fire within my bones. I give a shit about this world, and if that makes you uncomfortable then I kindly request you go somewhere where you can stick your head under the ground and escape my voice. For the only people I want on my equality bus are people who collectively want to better our world. I am not afraid of making you feel uncomfortable and I will continue to write, and speak about things that matter in our world for as long as I can hold a pen to my hands and bleed my heart upon paper. Speaking of the heavy, that make our souls drag their feet is just as important as speaking of the light, for it sparks fire to move energy and allows the darkness to join us together in the light.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 20:51:19 +0000

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