I have often argued against the “cheat meal” idea. I think it - TopicsExpress


I have often argued against the “cheat meal” idea. I think it sets up an unhealthy relationship with food because it implies that you are cheating on your diet. Since we believe you should mostly be “not dieting” the idea of cheat meals is in direct contrast to our core beliefs. There are a few other very disturbing trends though that I think might even be worse. First the idea of a super restrictive way of eating that makes you reset when you eat a food that is on the “naughty” list. This approach argues against moderation and looks an awful lot like an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa. Look, I eat mostly meats and veggies and if that represents the majority of the way you eat then great. Most people that move to eating mostly whole foods see benefits in the beginning, so you will never see me make an argument against that. What I will argue against endlessly however is a life of super restriction where your food choices are so restricted that you have a life of 7 and 30 day resets. Let’s face it, in fit communities people tend to be a little more diligent as it relates to goals but if you constantly have the same group of women or men trying to get you to participate in their “misery” challenge just say no. Your relationship with food will thank you. (if your gym is constantly pushing it leave that gym) Similarly there are groups popping up all over Facebook related to burpee challenges and sit up challenges or whatever. A lot of them are being set up because people have a bad relationship with food and so they are doing “guilt burpees” to pay the calorie bill. Folks this isn’t any better than trying to organize your life with an extremely restrictive way of eating. Eat mostly whole foods and eat for joy occasionally but you should have some understanding of what amounts of food your body requires to exist daily. Don’t remain unaware of that simple fact because if you are guilt eating a snickers alone in a bathroom it’s probably because you have been dieting too long, too restrictively and you are hungry. Energy density isnt always a bad thing.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 20:05:29 +0000

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