I have prayerfully considered this post before posting it. I feel - TopicsExpress


I have prayerfully considered this post before posting it. I feel that I should do so because of those who may be involved or influenced by the circumstance. However, this is not for discussion on Facebook by anyone, period. I ask that no one do so. If you are truly my friend, you will honor that request. If you feel the need to respond you can inbox me on Facebook only! I prefer that you don’t even do that. Let me say from the start that I have no malice toward anyone; however, I totally abhor the actions taken without reservations. I am completely at peace with myself concerning my decision and my attitude and the extent of my participation in attending the Chapman Church of God. My one regret is that I became involved in helping to open the doors to it with the present pastor. Less than 3 months after it opening I knew that I would never be satisfied there but continued to support it to the extent that I felt I could. My wife and I never gave any justifiable reasons for the actions taken by the pastor. By the way, I have attended Chapman church of God most of my life and have had a key to the church for the past 4 years in which I did not attend. I normally go walk down to the church and practice on piano and pray during the week. I went down there on Monday the 10th of November and found that all the doors to the church and parsonage had been locked. This was done on Saturday before the 10th when the new roof was put on the church. I texted the pastor and he and asked did he change all the locks. He called me and asked why I wanted to get in the church as though I was a stranger. I told him and he said he had a key and would be there Wednesday night. I asked if I could have a key and he said no keys would be given out. He did this with the full awareness that I would not be back. Therefore, it is my opinion that this was his way of saying, ‘We don’t need you anymore”. I have not given my full support in some of the things that went on because; in my opinion they went against the word of God. I can no longer attend a church where the Word of God is comprised in preaching and teaching. I did support the church up to the last day with my finances. Let me say, I have no ill feelings toward anyone who wants to attend or continue to attend but I would never recommend it to anyone with the leadership now in place. My only wish is for the best of those who do attend and may God bless all who will allow him to and have mercy on those who comprises his word. By the way, there is always to sides so I want the truth to come out first.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:45:14 +0000

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