I have seen a lot of people talking about Ebola and the medias so - TopicsExpress


I have seen a lot of people talking about Ebola and the medias so called sensationalizing of these current events. Not all that long ago, Ebola was a problem isolated to the continent of Africa. It was said to be a problem that was isolated and would never reach America. Not all that long after it was said that although this virus was out of control, we were pro actively bringing an infected worker (that could have been treated elsewhere) into our borders for treatment. Now I am no expert, although I will say based on current events we cannot seem to even trust those who claim to be. But when there is a deadly outbreak of an incredibly volatile virus I would expect that such a place would face complete and total quarantine until it was isolated. Travel would be banned. People would be treated and those who treated people would be isolated until whatever incubation period eclipsed. That is not what happened. While I was asking why we would take even the most miniscule of chances, other people were justifying bringing this infected person into our borders and risking the possible infections of the millions of people who reside within them. The chances of it spreading are .00000001 are the types of comments I heard regularly. It will never reach outbreak status here citing our apparently infallible health care system. My immediate thought was with hundreds of millions of people in the US, and many of them packed like sardines into urban landscapes why even risk an outbreak? Then we heard of another infection. Then another. Then another. Then when a nurse contacted the CDC who is supposedly our go to they allow her to board a flight even though she had a fever and had been exposed. Would it not or should it not be the policy of the CDC to err on the side of caution and prohibit travel just in case? Would it not be worth it to offer to pay for her ticket reimbursement to get her tested just in case? After all, she IS a nurse who cared enough to call. Multiple times. I was flying back from Dallas just hours before she arrived. It turns out that the plane she was on has now flown all over the country before she was diagnosed possibly infecting no others, or possibly infecting many others all over the country. I spoke with my mom tonight. She was planning on going to Ohio to visit a friend of her. This friend was wheelchair bound and received regular visits from a healthcare worker. This healthcare worker had been in the same hospital this nurse visited for her fever, and thus all of them have been quarantined and under observation. While I am the first one to speak out on media sensationalizing, this may be an exception. Our CDC appears to be completely inept, or at least covering an issue that could fly way out of control. I feel like I am the farthest person from Africa, yet I missed being in an airport with someone who had the virus by hours, just a couple days later my mom is being told to stay away as someone there has been exposed. With the infrastructure of travel in the United States from the fact most have a car, use public transport, fly among other methods of transportation I think it is safe to assume this could spread unknowingly and unwittingly incredibly quickly. I am not concerned about ISIS. I am not concerned about any terror threat outside of our country to be honest. But a virus that not all that long ago was an African problem that now may be flying all over our country? That is worth worrying about. Our country used to be spread across a rural landscape with major cities but many small communities that were to a degree self sufficient. During the great depression many of these rural communities were to a degree self reliant and capable of sustaining themselves without help from outside forces. That is not the case today. Corporate farming has all but decimated rural communities and many family farms. People have, over the last 30 years flocked to the city as a result and population in general has exploded world wide. Many of those populations surging in urban areas with low education and economic promise. Urban areas who now have a complete detachment from a self reliant lifestyle. People who are one entire generation removed from what it means to plant a seed and harvest it for food. People who know no other way to get their food than going to a large grocery chain accessible to large amounts of people. Grocery chains and stores that can dry up in an emergency in the blink of an eye. Leaving millions of people hungry, angry and at greater risk of violence in just days. (See post Katrina New Orleans). While I do not think it makes sense to be alarmed to the point of hysteria, it is probably good in a time of mass disinformation and an apparent complete lack of common sense to be informed and ready for a potential disaster. Viruses and plagues throughout history have reset the clock on mankind and threatened to eradicate the human race. We are at a time in our history when this may not only be timely but justified as we continue to destroy not only the environment but ourselves. In consideration of what our governing bodies has kept a secret from us, I do not think it is too much of a stretch of the imagination to assume the CDC and other government agencies are keeping the potential disastrous news from our ears in an effort to eliminate panic and a loss of order. More so I think it is even more easily assumed that they are not looking out for the individual American per se, but keeping any potential panic under control to avoid a huge lapse in our already frail economy. We have already seen a negative result in the stock market due to fears of Ebola spreading. A mass panic would likely trigger a catastrophic event in our already propped up and weekend economy and could plunge into depression not seen or experienced in our lifetimes. It is never a bad idea to ask questions and get informed. Ebola could be contained. Or it could already be spreading out of control to unwitting citizens promised falsely everything will be contained on the basis of national security. So far, the promises of containment and control have not been met with results. Keep that in mind. In a time when we are to look to the runners of this country for guidance it is important to remember how very little guidance they actually provide. The guidance they do provide seems more often than not to benefit them personally or financially. Food for thought.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:42:45 +0000

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